Mr Derryn Ling 



Yesterday we celebrated Grandparent's and special friend's day at Holy Name. We had a delicious shared lunch. The school and church was a hive of activity with excited students proudly showing their classrooms and learning to their grandparents and special friends. We finished the day with a special prayer service celebrating all our Grandparents and special friends.






This term, one of our social justice activities will be linked to our science inquiry theme of sustainability. We are calling all students and families to collect and recycle all PLASTIC bread tags by bringing them in to school and putting them into the container in your classroom.

For more information see the below website


Mary Honeybun started Bread Tags for Wheelchairs in South Africa in 2006.

Retiring from nursing, she wanted to help others and was also passionate about the environment. Mary was aware that the majority of people in need of wheelchairs in South Africa were unable to afford to buy their own.


She came up with the idea of recycling plastic to raise funds to buy wheelchairs and found a plastic moulding company prepared to take bread tags. 




Parish Website 

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You can now view and download Holy Name Parish Bulletin weekly under the heading Parish Bulletin   OR   subscribe to Holy Name Parish for the weekly bulletins.

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Parish Mass Times


Starting from 5 & 6 August 2023

Tuesday:         9am

Thursday:       9am

Saturday:        9am

Sunday:  10.30am  (English/Italian)

Sunday:   4.00pm  (Vietnamese)



CatholicCare Victoria Sunday Appeal

Next weekend is the CatholicCare Victoria Sunday Appeal.

As our parish community’s social service agency, CatholicCare Victoria delivers programs and services to support families, children, young people and individuals to help everyone reach their full potential.

The services include counselling and mental health services, specialised support for children and teens, refugee and asylum seeker help, pastoral care in hospitals and prisons, support for separating families, social housing and homelessness support.

Donations from our parish community help CatholicCare Victoria support the most vulnerable individuals and families in our community and empower everyone to live life to the full.

Please donate to the CatholicCare Victoria Sunday Appeal.

Your support and generosity will help provide caring and compassionate support for struggling individuals and families in our community.

You can donate using the appeal envelope available at the parish or donate online at or call (03) 9287 5513.