Connect: Foundation

Important Dates:

Wednesdays- ALL Preps have library on Wednesday in Term 3 and 4.

Mondays- Cheese toasties sold at recess for $2.00 

Tuesdays- Popcorn sold at recess for $1.00

10th August- Science Afternoon 2:30-4:30 (families welcome to attend)

11th August- Curriculum Day

14th August- Swimming week

15th September- Last day of term, 2:30pm finish


What we are learning:


Students will be writing about characters in a story and using adjectives to describe them. They will draw a picture of the character to match their description. Students will practice writing CVCC words such as: must, limp, bent, soft, hand, left.



We will be reading the text, ‘Feathers For Phoebe’ and we will be making personal connections to the texts we read. We will be learning the suffix ‘s’ and reinforcing what plurals are. Students will practice reading CVCC words (best, wink, jump, went, sink, kept) We will be learning the heart words: her, his, are and too. 

Here is a link to our Phonics song:



We will be focusing on Subtraction and telling Subtraction stories. We will read books that tell a subtraction story and model it with our counters. We will introduce the concept of ‘Sharing’. Students will tell sharing stories use counters to model their story. 



During Wellbeing we will be discussing the zones and recognising what zone we are in throughout the day. Students will be identifying negative emotions and discussing what they can do to cope with them.



We have noticed there are many children who come to school with laces. If they can't tie their laces, it is recommended they have velcro shoes. Here is a video to assist with learning to tie laces.


Swimming Reminders

Leading up to our swimming week it is important to allow your child to dress themselves and dry themselves after their shower/bath independently. Practice makes perfect!


During swimming week:

  • Please CLEARLY LABEL EVERY PIECE of your child’s clothing they bring to school and swimming. Even goggles!
  • Please check your child has spare underwear in their school bag, incase their underwear is forgotten, lost or wet. 
  • Please make sure your children come to school with their bathers ON! Girls can wear their one-piece bathers and keep the shoulders straps off to make toileting easier.
  • Putting underwear in a ziplock bag could make it easy to find in the changerooms.
  • Ensure your children can walk safely and sensibly in their sandals/slides. Gumboots or sandals with an elastic strap would be great  
  • Ensure your child has a plastic bag for wet bathers/towel.
  • Please ensure long hair is tied up. Plaits would be great.


During our Weather and Seasons unit, we will learn how to protect ourselves from the weather and we learn about the seasons. Students will name the four seasons and will draw what a tree looks like in each season. 


Respectful Relationships Afternoon

The Prep children thoroughly enjoyed having a Respectful Relationships lesson with their families. Students created a ‘Personal Strengths Tree’ and identified some of their personal strengths, which they wrote around their tree. They carefully decorated their leaves and some children were able to create a family tree too.


100 Days Of School

Our very anticipated ‘100 Days of School’ celebration was a marvellous, jam-packed day for the Preps. We started the day with a parade through some of the classrooms. We participated in a variety of activities such as, 100 exercises, a 100 number hunt, crown making, a cohort mural, a 100 dice game, an outdoor lunch and much more.