Connect: Year 5

Welcome to the second Year 5 Connect Newsletter of Term 3. 

Important Dates: 

  • Monday 7th August:              Science Week & 5/6 Hoop Time
  • Thursday 10th August:         Science Open Afternoon: 2:15-4:00pm
  • Friday 11th August:               Curriculum Day (Pupil Free)
  • Friday 18th August:               National Action Day Against Bullying
  • Monday 21st August:            Book Week

What's happening in our classrooms?


In Reading, we have continued our unit on Historical Fiction using our mentor text "The night they stormed Eureka" by Jackie French. Students have been learning to locate key information in the text to identify historical elements and practiced answering comprehension questions about the text. Book Club groups are in full swing and students have enjoyed reading their chosen text and practicing their Book Club roles during sessions. Students have been practicing reading fluently using accuracy, rate, expression and punctuation. 

During Writing sessions students have been creating unique diary entries from the view of a character living during the Eureka Stockade. Students have been exploring using historical and fictional elements to create their pieces. We will continue drafting, editing and publishing these over the coming weeks.



This week we began consolidating our knowledge on solving division problems. Students have learnt to identify the parts of a division equation and used effective strategies to solve problems. In non-number Maths we have continued identifying angles and used protractors to make and measure them.  



In Inquiry, students have continued learning about the solar system and students thoroughly enjoyed created their own multiple choice quizzes to test each other on their knowledge. Students began learning about the Habits of Minds of Creating, Imagining and Innovating and Striving for Accuracy and how we can incorporate these positive strategies into our learning. Over the next few weeks students will begin working collaboratively to create a presentation on their learning about the Solar System. This may be in a form of a PowerPoint, 3D model, booklet, poster, etc. 


Science Fair Open Afternoon:

On Thursday the 10th of August, we are inviting parents and families into our school for an open afternoon to experience a science activity with our students. This term we are learning about the solar system in Year 5, we have a lesson planned for students to complete with the family members. We look forward to seeing you all there! 



In Well-being, we continued learning about positive self-talk and how it can assist us at school and in daily life. Students acted our scenarios on using positive self talk when faced with different situations. Students continued using emotional vocabulary to describe how they are feeling and classifying the feelings in each of the 4 zones. They discussed how different events change the way they are feeling and may change which zone we are in.  

Celebration of Learning

Inquiry - Our Solar System


Students in Year 5 worked in small groups to show the order of the planets in our solar system. They did their best to show the planets relative size to each other and distance to the sun. This activity was greatly enjoyed by all who participated. 


Skye PS - Whole School Well-being Afternoon


On Thursday the 27th of July we were very lucky to have a number of family members join us for a Well-being lesson in Year 5.  This was a great chance for families to experience one of our lessons and work closely with students. Our focus on this day was investigating how we may feel a range of positive and negative emotions in one day and what events led to these emotions. We are very grateful for all those people who came in to join us and look forward to having the chance to do more things like this in the future!