Principal's Report

We'd like to take a moment to acknowledge the dedication and contribution that our Principal, Mr. Gerard Raven makes to our College.

We appreciate the time and energy you give to our school community on a daily basis and thank you for always striving to build St Brigid's into the best it can be. Thank you!

We hope you join us in sharing  your gratitude for our Principal - and our team of school leaders - today and every day.




Dear families,


This week the Fair Work Commission approved the new Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement. This new MEA establishes new conditions and benefits for staff in Catholic Schools. The implementation of this new agreement will provide us with a chance to review many of the practices we have historically held here at St Brigid’s. The opportunities to reflect on ‘What is Working Well’ and ‘Even Better If’ will be taken as we begin planning for 2024. I am interested in parental feedback and again remind you to email me or Amanda Carracher as our Chair of the Parent Reference Group ( 

In addition, we will be seeking greater parental engagement in many of the events on our calendar, from camps and sporting events to contributing to our learning program. Parents volunteering time is always valued and welcome. I would remind you that if you are thinking of participating in an event that the new Child Safety Standards require all volunteers to attend an information session. The next session is on Monday 4th September at 7.00pm in the Senior Study Centre. 


Last Friday night we celebrated with the Year 11s (and some Year 10s and one Yr 12) at the Town Hall for the annual Presentation Ball. It was wonderful to see so much colour and so many smiles on the night. An event such as this takes an army to pull together, so I would like to thank all of the parent helpers and staff who gave their time to ensuring success. While it is always dangerous singling out individuals, it would be remiss of me not to publicly thank Brydie Hutchinson and Chris Rook for coordinating the ball, and Maree and James for their coaching efforts. 


On Tuesday 15 August, the College will hold a Liturgy to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption in our stadium at 11:15am. This will be followed by a Commendations Assembly where student achievements will be celebrated. All members of our College community are warmly welcomed. 


The 2024 Subject Selection process is well underway for Years 7-11 and I invite family members to engage in discussions with your student around what they are interested in and what are their passions. This assists them in focusing on the right pathway to take them through the remainder of their schooling and beyond. I firmly believe in personalising learning for all and I encourage you to contact me if you would like to explore an alternate program for your son or daughter in addition to the subjects we offer and deliver at St Brigid’s. We now know that learning can occur at any time and anywhere.  


Keep safe


Gerard Raven