After a productive year of STEM, Marian Catholic College has been invited to make a video about a STEM project to enter the STEM MAD competition.!


During the holidays, students worked on a project that involves building Assistive technology using a Makey Makey circuit board and wires. Assistive technology is any device, system or design, that allows an individual to perform a task that they would otherwise be unable to do, or increase the ease and safety with which a task can be performed, or anything that assists individuals to carry-out daily activities. Assistive technology is for friends, family members and caretakers of individuals with some form of physical or cognitive disability.


Check out the video below:


Student below participated in making the project and the video

Jo McCarthy

Hardi Patel

Ben Devery

Cooper Bradley

Lachlan Chant

Harrison Smith

Daniel Gayda



Denise De Paoli

STEM Teacher