Pastoral Care News

During the last 6 weeks students and staff have been busy selling tickets to raise funds for one of our MCC families. With great excitement during recess today our MEGA RAFFLE activity was finalised with winners being announced. The raffle, in addition to a staff morning tea managed to raise nearly $4000. The morning tea was an amazing collection of traditional sweet and savoury items cooked and donated by our members of the Pilipino community here at MCC. We have raised over and above our proposed target and acknowledge that this would not be possible without our hard-working committee, the generosity of those who donated prizes and of course; those who kindly purchased tickets. 

2020 has been a year that has challenged us all in many ways but when required, we have answered the call and demonstrated care, service and faith; reflecting our school’s mission statement by putting these words into action. 

The Bauit family are extremely grateful for the support of the community and express their heartfelt thanks.






In our next edition of the newsletter we will include details of our final activity for 2020; our St Vincent de Paul Christmas hampers. This year more than ever there will be a need for support during the holy period due to the ongoing impact of COVID and the flow on effect it has on our communities.


I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and to our many winners I say congratulations and I hope that you enjoy your wonderful prizes.


Regards Sue Hone (Pastoral Care Worker)