Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community


Tomorrow we celebrate World Teachers' Day across the country. I think it's fair to say that the teaching community has been a respected group for a long period of time, especially amongst parents. I think it's also fair to say that the challenges presented by COVID 19 and the demands put on parents after off site learning was introduced, has given parents an even great insight into the teaching profession. Like all jobs, occupations and professions, teaching has its inherent challenges and overwhelming rewarding and positive experiences. I would like to thank all teachers and especially those at Sacred Heart, for their care, professionalism and passion.


"Thank you for teaching us, all of you have been very kind to us. You have helped us when we have needed your help". Stellina and Anthea (Year 6)


"The teachers are kind and caring. We enjoy being at school because the teachers are really great people".Harry and John(Year 5)


"We are really thankful to our teachers because they treat us really well and educate us to be the best we can be". Jakob and Hayden (Year 5/6)


"We love how our teachers teach us very well. Our teachers help us work and play everyday and help us when we are hurt or sick". Katelin, Stephanie and Zara (Year 1)


"World Teachers Day is also my mum's birthday. They both work hard to make sure we grow up ready to take on the world's challenges" Thomas (Year 5)


"Our teachers have made us smarter than we were before. We like our teachers because they have taught us a lot of things like maths, writing and sport. The teachers are really helpful when we are stuck on a question". Liam, Yash and Aryan (Year 3/4)


What I love about teaching:


"I love that as a teacher I can make a difference. That we can help support students to be the best version of themselves.  I enjoy seeing the progress and success of each child and enjoy challenging their thinking. Teaching is the most rewarding profession". Liz


" The thing I love about teaching is just seeing the children every day and being part of their lives as they move into the world. I love the aha moments when the child "gets" something. I love the laughs and I love the shared enthusiasms, when children invite you into their worlds and their interests". Belinda 


"The thing I love most about teaching is the strong connections that are made with my students. When I was in primary school I loved to learn (and still do), and it makes me really happy when I see my students excited and passionate about their learning. I love making a difference, no matter how big or small"! Amanda


"The thing I love most about teaching is seeing the students' smiles as they walk through the school doors, the rich conversations they have with one another, and the enthusiasm they show when learning about new things. I love helping shape the minds of the future". Bethany


Anni, Adam and the delicious mangoes
Anni, Adam and the delicious mangoes

A big thank you to the Mai family for their beautiful gift for our staff to help celebrate World Teachers' Day. Anni, Adam and Annabelle's mum and dad Hong and Richard bought these delicious mangoes for our staff and to support the flood victims in Viet Nam.


COVID 19 Protocols

Thank you to our wonderful parents and guardians who have helped keep our school community safe from the virus, by keeping their children at home if they have displayed any symptoms of Covid 19. Some of these same parents and guardians have taken the next step and had their child take the Covid test. On behalf of our school community, thank you to all our parents and guardians for your continued adherence to the protocols we have put in place, we really appreciate your cooperation. As another protocol, class teachers have been sending children on their return to school after a period of absence due to illness to me, to have their temperature tested.



Congratulations to our former teacher Tanya and her husband Ed, on the arrival of their first child Niah Jolie Bostock. Niah was born on the 22nd October weighing a healthy 2.96kg. Both Tanya and Niah are doing well.


Congratulations also to our Year One student Gail Martina, her mum Mary Anne and dad Giovanni on the arrival of Gabriel. Everyone is doing well. As you can see in this beautiful photo, Gail Martina is ecstatic having a little brother.


Public Holidays

A reminder to all families that Sacred Heart School will be closed this Monday 2nd November and Tuesday 3rd November. Tuesday is the Melbourne Cup public holiday.



With a change in lockdown protocols we can confirm the great news that our school photographs can now take place and will occur on Thursday 26th November. Further information will be given to families including what the students are to wear, in the week leading up to photos.


Planning for 2021

Planning for the 2021 school year has commenced, in particular organising our classes for next year. If your family is moving out of the area next year and your children will not be enrolled as students, can you please let me know next week by email.


School Fees

As detailed in last weeks newsletter

All families will have received their invoice for any outstanding school fees earlier this term. As you will know, we have been transitioning to a new system that has affected our ability to send out invoices each term. Thanks to Maria we are gradually becoming more confident with the system and this period of transition will soon be behind us. Thank you to those families who have contacted Maria this past couple of weeks to pay fees. We would really appreciate outstanding accounts being paid as soon as possible. A reminder that for this year, we are aware of some families whose financial situation has changed due to COVID, and this may impact on their ability to pay fees. Please come and see me if this is the case so we can negotiate a fair fee.


Whilst Father Jan and myself try to keep our fees as affordable as possible (you will find that our fees compared to the neighbouring Catholic Schools are very reasonable), they play an essential  role in providing the programs and resources our students require.


As a matter of due diligence, I will have to make contact if there are any families with outstanding invoices as the year draws to a close.


"I am going to Sacred Heart School next year"

Don't panic Elissa and Maria, as much as Xavier loves his new tshirt promoting our school. Mind you, even though Xavier is not the age to start school, he knows the school intimately after visiting his mum's primary school and Nonna's place of work. The tshirt Xavier is wearing is the shirt our new Year Prep students are given when they enrol at our school. Thanks for promoting our school Xavier.


Earlier this week our Year 3/4 D class said goodbye to Evelyne who is moving with her family to their new house in the western suburbs.



Please stay safe.


Yours sincerely

Mark Tierney
