Year 11 Pastoral Guardian

2020 has undeniably been full of surprises and readjustments from the commencement of the year; however, the experiences and joys of Year 11 only increased as time progressed.  Through shared experiences on unfamiliar ground, all Year 11 students began senior subjects, TAFE courses, and the Mater program.  The year began with exciting opportunities to explore their chosen paths and develop vital skills, including independence, curiosity, resilience, and responsibility alongside our Franciscan values here at the College. 

Leadership skills were reinforced through the Mentee Program, with Year 11s finding connection by reminiscing on their own experiences not so long ago.  For the Year 11 cohort, the memories and connections we have established here at the College have influenced not only the friendships and experiences as high school students, but enabled the girls to envision life after school.  This inspired them to embrace their own unique qualities.  As this year falls to a close, it is unquestionable that the cohort is excited and prepared to concur the commencement of the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) system, and to witness as the 2021 College Captains thrive in their leadership roles with dedication, humility, respect, and integrity.  I hope the students continue to grow as a cohort as they transition into their final year of schooling, embracing the challenges they have yet to face together.  As Year 11 draws to a close, we look forward to 2021.

Bridget Piper