Health and Well-being 

When can students can return to school after Vomiting?

Vomiting due to gastroenteritis is caused by viruses that can spread to others. So keep your child home from school or childcare until there's been no vomiting for at least 24 hours. And remember that washing hands well and often is the best way to protect your family against many infections.


First Aid

Ambulance Cover

Ambulance Victoria responds to over 800,000 calls for medical help from Victorians every year. That is over 2,200 calls a day. Emergency medical transport services are not free and not covered by Medicare. 


The cost for one emergency road transport is in excess of $1,100. The cost per year is $48.35 for singles and just under $100 for families. 


Does your Private Health Cover really provide 100% ambulance cover? Many Private Health Funds have significant limitations, exclusions or caps to ambulance cover. Please contact your Private Health Fund for further information. 


For further information call 1800 64 84 84 or visit

First Aid On Your Phone

The free St John Ambulance Australia First aid app offers clear, concise instructions for the treatment of common medical emergencies, allergic reactions asthma, chest pain, choking, bites & stings. Be more confident and know when to call for help. It presents step-by-step emergency First Aid information to the user with a large clear image for each step. The absent of loading screens, advertisements and unnecessary menus means you get lifesaving advice Fast!

COVID-19 Update - Chief Health Officer