Student Awards

Student of the Week Merit Awards                 

Student of the Week Merit Awards Date: Friday 30th October 2020



Jonah K

Daniel F

In recognition of the wonderful writing he has been doing. Your sentences are very creative and you always use punctuation, like question marks, accurately. 

In recognition of the way he cares for his peers, teachers and classroom. You are always offering a helping hand and do it with a smile on your face. Thank you, Daniel!


David F

Steven G

In recognition of being polite, courteous and kind, both in the classroom and the playground.

In recognition of showing interest and enthusiasm for all classroom activities. You have a great knowledge of the world Steven!


Alex D 

Jonah N

Aiden S

In recognition of the excellent connections he makes with a text and events that have occurred in his own life. 

In recognition of his terrific place value creation of a cheetah using units, tens and hundreds in Base 10 blocks.  

In recognition of his amazing ‘tightening tension’ moment when writing about a bushfire. Great use of sensory descriptions.  


Clement X

Josh B

Rachel Z

Riley M-S

In recognition of always sharing your great ideas and thoughts during our mini-lessons. 

In recognition of being a caring and considerate member of 1/2M.  You are always so kind to your classmates

In recognition of the effort you put into your work during independent working time.  You are always focussed and try your best.

In recognition of your fantastic writing.  I loved your idea about not opening the fridge because there was stinky cheese inside. 


Sabrina P

Amelia B

Vivian F

In recognition of consistently showing she is ready to learn and for the great example she sets for others.

In recognition of her leadership skills and for being a wonderful role model to her classmates.

In recognition of her excellent effort in writing dynamic dialogue for a narrative. Fantastic!

2JCaiden V & Emma LIn recognition of consistently taking care of our classroom and cleaning up after others. You’re both such a great help to 2J & Mrs Johnson! Thank you!
3PJia TongIn recognition of of her detailed summary about the book Stuart Little during book club. Well done Jia Tong your work was a shining example for others.

Sierra M

Henry H

Eliza C

In recognition of the thought and effort you put into writing your introduction about wanting a pool. You followed the structure carefully and included a great rhetorical question at the beginning. Well done!

In recognition of your excellent contribution to our class discussion about fractions. You were really switched on!

In recognition of your excellent contribution to our class discussion about fractions. You were really switched on!

4JAayush DIn recognition of his amazing focus and determination during all classes. Aayush genuinely puts his best effort into everything he does – always aiming to achieve his very best. What an outstanding attitude! Well done, Aayush!

Isabelle L

Kyara T

In recognition of The great contributions she made about the characters in her book club text ‘Songbird’. She provided evidence to support her thinking.

The great contributions she made about the characters in her book club text ‘Boy at the back of the class’. She explained her thinking and provided evidence to support her inferences. 


Meghan Ng

Grace Fahey

In recognition of her persistence to write a Leadership speech that is coherent and engaging. Meghan proof reads and asks questions to ensure her writing is the best it can be.  Well done!

In recognition of her persistence to write a Leadership speech that is coherent and engaging. Grace took the time to consider the structure of her speech, ensuring that she included all elements.  Well done!


Ben M

Belle Y

Joanna P

Stephanie R

In recognition of their diligent approach to writing their leadership speeches. They have been well organised and considered possible ideas and feedback throughout the speech writing process. Well done!

Nethaya L

Leo Z

Ishi K

Freya H

In recognition of her well written and entertaining memoir about her first day at Camelot Rise Primary School in year 4. Her use of ‘inner dialogue’ to show the reader what going through her head as she sat in the classroom is fantastic. 

In recognition of his creative thinking when designing a car using 3D printing software. Leo has come up with a plan which we hope will allow him to print a car with rotating wheels. Great work, Leo.

In recognition of her diligent approach to writing her leadership speech. She has listened to advice and sought feedback throughout the process. Well done, Ishi.

In recognition of her positive attitude and ‘can do’ attitude towards all areas of her learning. Freya always puts in 100% effort and this shines through in the quality of the work she produces. She has been - and continues to be - a fantastic role model to her peers. 


Callum C

Kyan D

Micah K

Chienly M

In recognition of his well-written memoir about the Mini Fete in Year 5. Callum made excellent word choices and used ‘show, don’t tell’ and description to great effect to enable the reader to get a real sense of the anticipation and excitement he felt on the day. 

In recognition of his enthusiasm for all areas of the curriculum and the effort he puts into his work. Kyan was always ready for our Webex sessions and made valuable contributions to our class discussions. His lightning fast typing skills blew us away and we appreciated his fun facts every day. Thanks for increasing our general knowledge, Kyan.

In recognition of her enthusiasm and engagement across all areas of the curriculum. Micah strives to do her best in everything she does, from the work she produces, her ideas and contributions to discussions and the positive way she engages with her peers and teachers. Thank you for bringing a growth mind set to all that you do, Micah.

In recognition of his enthusiasm shown when writing poetry. Chienly’s poetry writing has been amazing. He experimented with a range of poetry styles and structures and wrote about such a wide range of topics – food, people, family, school… Chienly used figurative language such as similes and made good word choices throughout. Thank you for sharing your poems with us, Chienly.


Michael K

Natalie A

Robbie G

Jenny L

In Term 3 remote learning, Michael significantly improved in his management of work tasks and deadlines - completing all required tasks with diligence. His growth in his engagement and responsibility is admirable and he has brought his energy and determination with him in Term 4. Well done Michael on showing responsibility for your learning!

Natalie shows her responsible and mature nature throughout all facets of school life. She diligently attends to her House Captain roles and responsibilities, while persisting with difficult maths challenges and refining her memoir in the classroom. Well done Natalie on a fantastic final year of primary school!

Robbie has started Term 4 with leaps and bounds, eager to participate and learn. He applies his best and asks questions when he is unsure. Robbie your enthusiasm and effort has been noticed. Congratulations and enjoy your transition to secondary school!

Jenny has brought her spark with her, on returning to the classroom in Term 4. She has shown her enthusiasm in learning about angles in Maths, asking for more questions and then challenging herself to do that little bit extra. Well done Jenny, for maximising your learning opportunities.



Hannah A-H 6N

Vetri V 2CM

In recognition of thoughtful contributions on her feelings and preferences for different orchestral instruments.

In recognition of the effective use of voice and action during our drama tasks. Wonderful work Vetri!

VISUAL ARTSRiley MSIn recognition her focused effort to create her colourful and textured Van Gogh inspired sunflower collage. Keep up the positive work Riley!
PEAayush D 4JIn recognition of being a fantastic fitness testing partner. You helped your partner and gave them good feedback about to do the tests correctly.
FRENCHRobbie C 3BMIn recognition of great work on our play “Les trois petits cochons”. The gestures are really helping your understanding.
Specialist Trophy: 4N for being responsible and exhibiting a spirit of optimism. You are wonderful 4N. Keep it up!