Assistant Principal's Report 

Assistant Principal's Report

Attendance - Everyday Counts

If you are a regular reader of the Score you will have noticed that we acknowledge students who have achieved 100% for each term / semester / year.  As the Year 12’s have now completed their classes we can acknowledge the students who attended every school day for the year.


Alec Anderson

Allie Shaw

Matt Sutton

Aimee Watson

Jamal Wright


Attendance at school has many benefits – academically, socially, physically, emotional etc. For these students and the many others that we very close to 100% attendance displays a commitment to their education. It is also a great to show potential employers this commitment and work ethic. Well done!


Allie Shaw and Aimee Watson should receive extra congratulations as they have not missed a school day in the last three years. This is a fantastic effort and displays great commitment to their education.






Orion Night

Orion Night as we know it has been cancelled for this year. However, we will be looking to celebrate our students in a different manner this year. We will be looking to conduct ceremonies at school during a school day. Unfortunately parents will not be able to attend on this occasion. Senior school students may be asked to return to the school to participate in awards ceremonies.



Reports will be distributed via Compass on Monday 14 December.


Mr Chris Knight

Assistant Principal