Learning a new language means you get to experience a new world.

Learning the language of another country, to me, means being able to communicate with people from another country.

Learning Italian is the joy of getting a new word correct, it is the joy of connecting with different people.

Learning a new language connects people from all over the world and makes people from different countries feel much more connected.


Imparare una nuova lingua, per me, significa entrare in un nuovo mondo.

Imparare la lingua di un altro paese, per me, significa comunicare con le persone di un altro paese.

Nel mio caso, il bel Paese!

Imparare l’italiano è l’emozione di arrivare alla parola giusta, di indovinare cosa significa o come si dice.

Imparare una nuova lingua, per me, è la gioia di entrare in contatto con le persone di altri paesi.

Imparare una nuova lingua, per me, unisce le persone di tutto il mondo.

By Sophie Taylor 7G

Italian Geography workshop for Intercultural week
Italian Geography workshop for Intercultural week


During August, we celebrated Intercultural Week at Footscray City College. The week enabled students to interact with the cultures of Italy and Japan in terms of traditions, music, film and TV, sport and food, as well as engaging with some of the cultures of the wider FCC community. A number of incursions were held, including a Juventus soccer clinic, a Japanese taiko drumming workshop, an Italian geography and music workshop and an international sweets fair provided by some of our EAL students. 

Students also participated enthusiastically in an Education Perfect languages competition, with our top students rewarded with a pizza party. Special congratulations to Tori Ruwoldt, Lulu Lamont and Jade Seymour, who were awarded iTunes vouchers for achieving the highest scores in the competition. 

Following the success of this year's Intercultural Week, we will be offering a broader range of activities from a wider variety of cultures next year.

Thank you to all the staff who helped to organise the enjoyable events!


On September 7th, year 9 Japanese students participated in a Japanese bento workshop. 'Bento' means lunch box in Japanese. It is an important component of Japanese culture and cuisine, enjoyed by anyone from high school students to company workers. 


Students created"Kyara-ben" (short for Character Bento), which features food decorated to look like people, characters from popular media, animals, and plants. "Kyara-ben" was intended to interest children in their food and to encourage them to eat a wider range of healthy food. Our students had the opportunity to make a hen and baby chicks using only rice, egg, carrots, capsicum, seaweed and corn. As you can see from the photos, we think we might have some bento artists in the making at FCC! Any students who are interested in making their own bento boxes can buy all the required supplies at Daiso.