Around the College

World's Greatest Shave

Cohen and Marc are currently studying in Year 10. They have been friends since the start of high school and together have decided to embark on a journey to participate in the Worlds Greatest Shave. Recently we interviewed Marc to find out more about the pair's involvement.


1. How will you and Cohen be participating in the World’s Greatest Shave this year?

Cohen and I have set up a Worlds Greatest Shave team called “The Chrome Domes” and we plan to shave our heads and raise money for the leukemia foundation. The shave will be filmed and posted.


2. What prompted you and Cohen to take part in raising money for the Leukaemia Foundation?

We wanted to contribute to this great cause as we know it can help out a lot of families and sick people who are going through hard times at the moment. And it's also a way of having fun as we both have long hair.


3. How have your friends, family and teachers responded?

Each of our families and friends has been very positive and supportive and have all donated generously.


4. The World’s Greatest Shave is a fantastic way of raising awareness about Leukaemia and how It affects individuals and their families, how do you hope to impact those around you by participating?

I hope it will inspire others to take part in the worlds greatest shave and it is also good to increase awareness of this illness.


5. Is there anything else you’d like to share with the DSC community?

I would like to say, get on board in the future by either doing it yourself or with a team. It's for an amazing cause. We greatly appreciate all the support that has been given!

To find out more about the Worlds Greatest Shave and to sponsor the boys directly, you can visit the link below.

The Tutor Learning Initiative

The Tutor Learning Initiative is designed to support students whose learning has been disrupted as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

At the College, experienced teachers are joining classes as a second teacher in the room, identifying opportunities to provide additional support and interventions that promote catch up and extension. We’re making sure that everyone has the opportunity to experience success in the classroom!

Doncaster Primary School's visit to the College

We were delighted to host Doncaster Primary School's Assistant Principals, Mrs Bishop and Mrs Vesdrevanis, at the College recently and show them around our new Year 7 Learning Space. It was exciting for students who have transitioned from Doncaster Primary School

to the College, to see their former teachers again!