Assistant Principals' Report

Leadership Team (Pictured left to right): Gina Carroll, Belinda McGee, Glenn Morris, Elisha Sadikay and Gary Rule

International Women's Day

My first high-school Literature teacher was awesome. Her humour was dry, her laughter was infectious, and she made each of the students in her class feel like they were capable of anything, including challenging out-dated values and behaviours. We felt empowered to make a difference in the world and, through the study of literature across time, we learned about the evolving nature of cultural values, and particularly those associated with gender equality. 


The following year, my second high-school Literature teacher was a man. And he did exactly the same thing. Through him, I heard a male voice equally asserting the importance of examining our cultural biases and growing towards a more inclusive and equal norm. He also introduced texts that allowed us to hear those marginalised voices, not only but inclusive of female voices, and encouraged us to think reflectively about why societies operate the way they do. 


Education is important. It changes lives. It grows communities. And hearing both male and female voices speaking up, in real-life and through the study of texts, is powerful.

As International Women’s Day approaches, I reflect on the privileges I have been afforded: the privilege of an education that empowers my freedom of thought and the privilege of living in a society that is examining its rigid stereotypes and exploring ways to disempower them. 

These are privileges that we work to create for our students here at Doncaster Secondary College. As a Lead School supporting the implementation of the Respectful Relationships initiative, we value inclusion and diversity, and we’re acutely aware of the important role that gender equality and the reduction of rigid gender stereotypes play in promoting a fair and healthy world for all of our students and, in the future, eradicating the menace of family violence. 


We invite you to participate in this year’s International Women’s Day theme: Choose to Challenge. 


A challenging world is an alert world. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day. We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.


From challenge comes change, so let's all choose to challenge.


Elisha Sadikay

Assistant Principal

Term One Student-Led Conferences Onsite 

Tuesday, 30 March                        

In the coming weeks, your child will be preparing for their upcoming student-led conferences (SLCs). Your child has been collecting information about their learning and preparing to present to you these efforts and achievements. The purpose of these conferences is for your child to lead the conversations. 


There will be no classes at school on March 30th. Students from Year 7 to 12 are expected to attend conferences with parents. 

You can expect the following things to happen during your child’s conference:

  1. Your child will start the conversation with the subject teacher.
  2. Your child will discuss their successes and challenges with the subject teacher. They should have their Learning Portfolio which includes student reflections about each subject. ( Learning Portfolio Powerpoints will be developed in Discovery and added to all subjects between March 9th and March 26th).
  3. The teacher will provide some feedback or strategies to help assist their learning.
  4. Your child will record these comments.
  5. Post the conferences it would be good to help your child make a plan to act on the feedback gained in this session.

You can book appointments for Tuesday, 30 March from 12.00 until 8.00 pm.

Families are encouraged to book appointments via Compass. It is recommended that you do this with your child, so they are aware of the schedule. Once all bookings have been made, please provide the schedule to your child. Bookings open on Tuesday, 16 March and close on Sunday, 28 March.


How can I support this process?

  • Review your child’s Learning Portfolio.
  • Ask questions of your child if you do not understand something.
  • Let your child discuss their improvement strategies with you. Encourage them to reach their goals.
  • After your child has led you through the conference, the teacher will answer any questions you might have.

Do you need an interpreter?

We will have interpreters based in the central area of P-Block. You can book an interpreter when you make your Compass booking. All interpreter bookings must be made before March 23rd.


We look forward to seeing families soon. 


Gary Rule

Assistant Principal