Careers News

Digital Media

Today we are all digital media users and some love this new age of technology. It facilitates social interaction, connects people, it can even maintain friendships. It is also a new and innovative industry that is employing thousands of people all over the world.


For those who love and are excited about all the forms of media that are open to us, it might be worth following that passion into a career. 


Digital Media is a broad term, covering a number of different products, industries and job roles. Videos, the written word and pictures are the forms of digital media you can see. Then there are the platforms that are not so obvious, such as web development, apps, video production, coding. Don’t forget the sharing networks such as Instagram, Messenger, Twitter, Facebook Linked In, Snap Chat and YouTube, Pinterest and Flip board just to name some of them. Then there is the avenue for gamers to reach audiences around the globe like Steam, Twitch and Gaming Buddy. As in all industries, the field is changing quickly and new products are being introduced all the time.

 Digital Media is such a diverse, fast-moving industry, which is ideal for anyone pursuing a creative challenge. Some of the many occupations to consider are Social Media Specialist, Marketing, Multi-Media Developer, Journalist, Visual Journalist, Content Strategy Specialist, Content Developer, Storytelling, Video Game Designers, Graphic Designers, Production Assistants, Video Editors, Web Application Developers, Web Analysts, Photography and Animators - just to mention heaps! 


Don’t forget the peripheral occupations that Digital Media, like all industries, depend on to run, such as accountants, administrators, and even lawyers. So even if you don’t have the passion for creativity, but think being around creative people and involved in the digital media world would be somewhere you could see yourself, then those occupations are all required in the media field. 

As with many industries, there is a multitude of pathways and career options open to people who aspire to get into the media field.


For a comprehensive list of courses (including the many double-degree options) on offer at Victorian universities, TAFEs, and Private Providers, visit VTAC.

You can also explore further using the Career Targets on the Doncaster Careers website


Donna McKinlay

Careers Support

Vocational Education & Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS)

VETDSS students have now moved into week four of VET classes at various RTO locations. There are 53 students attending a variety of locations such as Box Hill Institute, Aquinas College, Ringwood Training and Holmesglen to name a few. Students from a range of secondary schools also attend these same programs so it is a great opportunity for our students to make new friends and work in a different team environment. Feedback from students has been positive with some students pleased to be independently catching public transport to attend another location for study. Students have enjoyed the practical components of their courses, with the theory content also being interesting.


If you are more a ‘hands on’ learner this is a good time for students to start to think about the benefits of including a VET subject into their studies at either Year 10 and 11 or 11 and 12. A VET subject can form part of a VCE or VCAL program. A VET subject is studying a certificate that is normally a two-year qualification at a senior school level.


This webpage has some very informative short video clips from a student’s perspective in a range of certificates, as well as some general information. Check out the VET website.


Anne Wakeham 

Career Counsellor

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