Intermediate PDS (Personal Development Skills)
Intermediate PDS classes have been busy planning an organsed excursions as part of their major learning task for that subject. Excursions range from Glow Golf, to Movies and Gravity Zone. After participating in the excursion, students have to reflect on their experiences and discuss how they could make it better next time.
The excursions planned were as follows:
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
16th March VID City scavenger hunt & glow golf | 17th March VIB Leman’s laser tag | 18th March VIE Ice skating docklands |
23rd March VIC Gravity Zone & Tunz of Fun VID Escape room Frankston VIE Movies Frankston Gravity Zone |
Senior VCAL
Momina Changizi has been working with Dr. Tran as a Dental Assistant as part of her Head Start apprenticeship. The employer was so impressed with Monina that they have changed surgery days to give her more time training.
Well done, Monina, this is a great achievement and fantastic to see you working towards your future career goal.
Harmony Day
Monday 29th March periods 2-4Year 7 students will participate in a variety of activities such as multicultural sports – mini Olympics, food tasting and arts and crafts. The Year 12 students and their PDS teacher will be organising and facilitating this event for the whole day.