Principal's Report

Firstly, I would like to thank all parents, students and staff for a successful Term 1 so far. The return to full time onsite schooling after an interrupted 2020 was likely to pose some challenges in terms of settling students back into the routine of school life. Parents can continue to support our work by ensuring students are in full school uniform, are on time at the start of the school day and are also equipped with the materials they need for classes.
The College is in a fantastic position to support families in terms of uniform and equipment and can contact the relevant sub school should they require assistance.
In classes – Common Assessment Tasks and continuous improvement
In Years 7 to 10 students have been busily working through the Term 1 Common Assessment Task (CAT) period. The use of CAT’s for students assessment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate key skills and knowledge for each subject area. The CAT’s are based on all of the teaching and learning that has occurred so far in Term 1. At the end of the CAT period staff will moderate and assess student work for consistency of assessment results. The moderation process is highly important to the College as it assists in ensuring the learning focus and expectations of achievement are clearly understood and communicated with consistency. It also informs an evaluation of the teaching and learning program. The use of an ongoing evaluation helps to inform continual improvements. The moderation sessions will take place in early term 2 and I will be working with School Council regarding some early finishes to class times on these days to ensure the work is able to be completed by staff.
School Assembly
It was my pleasure recently to be part of the first of the whole school assembly at the College for 2021. The assembly was organized by our student leaders and included performances, celebration of student results from 2020 as well as messages from our student leadership team. The ability for the students and staff to come together in this way is highly valuable and will become more commonplace over the next 12 to 24 months. Students and staff are looking forward to being able to come together more easily and in greater comfort when the new gymnasium facility is completed.
School Council
The new school council is almost formed with one parent representative position available. Any parents that would like to be involved are encouraged to contact the main office to register their interest or to speak with me directly regarding further details.
School Gymnasium and Performing Arts upgrade
The demolition and building works is set to commence before the end of Term 1. The Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) is in charge of the project and I am awaiting some final details from them prior to the builders commencing on site.
It is likely that there will be some disruptions to sports and performing arts programs during Term 2 while the works are focused in the theatre building. Some images of the new gymnasium facility are below.
Assemblies, presentations and celebrations will take place in the gym with 1000 retractable seats.
Swimming Carnival
It was with great pleasure that I was able to attend the annual swimming carnival for the College. I would like to commend all students involved for both excellent behaviour and participation.
International Women's Day
The College marked International Women’s Day with a variety of events at the College. Thanks to our Science and Pathways staff for ensuring an event involving women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) was able to occur.
School Review
The school review is now in full swing with numerous students and staff participating in review forums and meetings. There are two more days of these activities prior to the finish of the process. At the end of the process the College will develop a new strategic plan for the next 4 years. The development of the plan will be informed by the information gathered as part of the review. There is an opportunity for parents to be involved in forum sessions on 22nd of March from 8.50am until 10am. Please email the College at to register your interest.
School Buses
As indicated in the last community newsletter, a review into the school buses and transport around the College is underway. I recently met with a traffic engineer from the City of Casey and have also investigated the possibility of shifting the school bus times. Thanks to all members of the school community that have provided feedback regarding the buses so far. I will be continuing to investigate these issues and will propose possible solutions through Term 2. If you would like to provide feedback to me directly please email the College – – with the subject line ‘School bus feedback’.
David Caughey
College Principal