Pupil of the week

watch us shine

Congratulations to the students of Kalinda who demonstrate our School Values and have been awarded a Pupil of the Week this week. 





 March 2021


Jamie B - for looking out for others demonstrating ‘treat others as you would like them to treat you.’

Jasmine W - for showing respect in the classroom by looking after other people’s belongings.


Lily B - For always showing respect and kindness to others in the classroom.

Will W - For approaching your learning and daily tasks with a positive attitude.


Levi G - For doing an amazing job when sharing your “Me Bag”

Taylor-Grace W - For being kind to everyone and demonstrating ‘treat others as you would like them to treat you.’

Grade 1 
1GVictoria L - For being a passionate and enthusiastic author. Your published piece about your weekend was fabulous! 

Sarah W - for demonstrating what brilliant writers do in every Writer’s Workshop.  Keep up the great work!

Hamish V - for being a helpful and inclusive member of 1W.

Grade 2 

Renee M - for being such a great role model to our grade about recycling and being waste wise. Your passion for caring for our school shines!

Will R - for working hard to make improvements to his handwriting.


Stella N- for pursuing her personal best in all that she does- keep it up! 

Ben K- for showing great leadership and kindness towards his peers. 

Grade 3 

Harper V- For your fantastic thoughts and ideas during whole class discussions. 

Ruby B- For your continued effort with Maths. You showed perseverance with renaming numbers. Well done Ruby, keep it up. 


Lachlan W - For making a huge effort to listen and follow instructions. Your work has been fabulous Lachie! 

Ryder- for your positive attitude towards everything we do in 3DT. Keep smiling Ryder! 


Harrison P - for showing respect to others and allowing teachers to walk through doorways before himself. What a great role model you are to your peers Harry!

Indigo  - for your editing skills in Literacy and learning how to use the dictionary.


Ash Z- for his improvement shown in the presentation of his work in class.

Isabelle. C- for her impressive narrative writing this week.

Grade 4 
4BAlina I- For her insightful contributions during Positive Education lessons.

Liam G - For the thoughtful way you encourage and support your classmates.You are always the first to lend a hand!

Maddy D - For all the impressive thoughts and ideas you bring to Reader’s Workshops. You are always thinking and sharing clever ideas.


Lazer S - for your thoughtful contributions in our Reader’s Workshop this week.

Charlie L - for putting your best effort into creating a Writer’s Notebook seed for “What’s behind the door?”

Grade 5/6 

Isla C - For showing bravery and resilience during Play is the Way and for being a kind and caring member of our class.

Oscar W  - For consistently approaching his classwork with a personal best attitude, no matter who he works with.


Gloria - for being an excellent role model for how to deal with conflict effectively and positively.

Hudson - for always doing his best to complete his tasks and prioritising his learning.


Hannah - For sharing her very descriptive, entertaining writing during Author’s Chair.

Charlie - For showing strong leadership skills during Play is the Way.


Liam K - For displaying the Kalinda value of kindness in our classroom, it has not gone unnoticed. 

Bridgette W - For showing courage and bravery when contributing to our class discussion, you have a wealth of knowledge to share. 


Lucy B- For the positivity and enthusiasm she shows to all her learning, particularly Maths!

Abigail B- For always displaying all the Kalinda values and being an excellent role model for the other children.


Claire B - For the persistence, dedication and courage she has demonstrated this week in public speaking situations.

Leah P - For taking risks in her writing, with an understanding that mistakes are part of the process and her persistence will pay off.



Mitchell P (4B) for the beautiful piece of music he composed, using the Pentatonic Scale. Your piece was well structured, and you rehearsed it thoroughly so that you could perform it with confidence. Great work Mitch!

Jacob V (4D) and Darcy Arthur (4D)

For showing excellent initiative and great reliability by organising the crash pads on a daily basis last term and the beginning of this year. Your assistance has not gone unnoticed and has been much appreciated.  

Japanese LanguageAll Grade 3,4,5 and 6 classes for amazingly finding and learning lots of things on the Christmas cards which have just arrived from the children in Japan.