Learning Community

Active Learning 

Harmony Week - Specialist Team 

Roxburgh Homestead Primary School's celebration of Harmony Week has been a wonderful reminder to us all that "we are one, but we are many!" The Specialist team (PE, Music and Visual Arts) planned a variety of engaging activities designed to highlight the cultural diversity we enjoy in Australia. We are pleased to say that many students and teachers wore orange clothing and accessories on ‘Wear a touch of Orange’ day last week, signifying freedom of ideas and mutual respect.


In PE, individuals and groups were given the opportunity to use different skills through games and activities using orange equipment like cones and balls.


During Music, students rehearsed the two verses of the Australian national anthem 'Advance Australia Fair' that they have been learning since the beginning of term. Classes were able to showcase their hard work and talents at the Harmony Week closing assembly. They presented a poem called 'A Global Greeting'. Great work to all the students who showed their best!


In Visual Art, sessions were devoted to creating flags representing our shared Australian nation as well as the flags and images representing the diverse nationalities within our community. The flags were proudly waved during our closing ceremony as a fitting reminder that everyone belongs here.


Class activities included decorating handprints & collating them onto a Harmony Tree, mindfulness colouring, students sharing different aspects of their family’s origins & culture, reading the Mem Fox book titled ‘I’m Australian Too’ and viewing different video clip versions of the song ‘We are One, We are Australian’

It was fantastic to celebrate and acknowledge our cultural diversity throughout Harmony Week. We trust that you will continue to encourage the message of inclusiveness and mutual respect at home.


You may be interested in watching some of the video clips students viewed during class sessions and sang along to during last week’s assembly.