Specialist Team

Visual Art, Physical Education, Life Skills

Dear Endeavour Hills Specialist School community members, 


The Specialist Team at our school consists of the Visual Art teachers (Janelle and Kesh), Physical Education teachers (Sara and Lois) and our Life Skills teacher (Athena). 


We believe being a Specialist teacher is the best job in the school because we get to work with all the students and teachers - we are not limited to only one classroom. 


It's a great way to meet lots of different personalities and stops our days from being too repetitive. We love teaching our students lots of different skills and techniques and watching them grow in confidence and ability. 


This semester saw the Specialist Team try many different activities with our students. From gardening plant seedlings in Life Skills classes to learning about the different types of sports in P.E. and colour theory in Visual Arts - our students are expanding their knowledge and expertise in all areas of their learning. 


We wish everyone a safe winter break and look forward to seeing our students next term. 


Kind Regards, 

Janelle, Kesh, Sara, Lois & Athena