Senior School Report

End of Semester Exams
A reminder Year 10 and Year 11 students will sit mid-year exams. Year 12 VCE students will complete a practice English exam mid-year. Exam timetable will be released in term 2.
Important Dates
- 24 April – Year 11/12 Formal
- 25 April - ANZAC Day
- 27 April – Year 10/11/12 Elevate Education – Ace Your Exams Presentation
- 1 May – Year 10 Deakin University Excursion
- 9 May – Year 11 Monash University Excursion
- 15 June – GAT
- 16 June – Year 12 VCE Monash University Excursion
- 19 - 23June – Year 10 Work Experience
Thursday after-school study sessions
Each Thursday the Senior School Hub is open to all students who are completing a VCE subject including Year 10 students. Subject teachers are available to support students. We encourage all students to come along. 3:00pm - 4:15pm
A reminder Year 12 Study Hub operational hours:
Monday | 8:20 am | 4:15pm |
Tuesday | 8:20am | 4:15pm |
Wednesday | 8:20am | 4:15pm |
Thursday | 8:20am | 4:15pm |
Friday | 8:40am | 3:15pm |
Work Experience Year 10 for 2023
Work experience will occur at the end of Term 2 from Monday 19 – Friday 23 June. Work Experience is a short-term placement of secondary school students with employers to provide insights into the industry and the workplace in which they are located. It provides students with the valuable opportunity to:
- develop employability skills
- explore possible career options
- understand employer expectations
- increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence.
Students are advised to start seeking a work experience placement for these dates.
A Message from Head of Senior School
With the first term of 2023 coming to an end, we can reflect on the opportunities for Senior School students to demonstrate the qualities embodied by our school values - I.N.S.P.I.R.E.
Students have demonstrated a range of qualities through many events that have promoted excellence, innovation, and success. Students have enjoyed the privilege of learning closely with their teachers and among their peers. With this, students have attended many learning opportunities including; KIOSC - DNA Manipulation & Genetic Technologies Excursion, Top Screen at ACMI, METEC Driver Training, and also had the opportunity to participate/coach in interschool sports. All these events have provided students with a chance to extend their learning beyond the classroom.
We would like to wish all students a restful and safe break. Make sure to take some time to look after yourselves and recharge your batteries after a busy start the year.
Ms Michelle de Boer
Head of Senior School