Assistant Principal Reports

Reflecting on Term 1
The school holiday period provides the perfect opportunity to reflect on the Student, Parent, Teacher Learning Conferences with your child. What were the positives? What are the areas for improvement that could be made? What goals can be set for Term 2 and the remainder of the semester/year? – in order to be met with success?
Term 1 has been another busy and exciting term, filled with learning and an abundance of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
We have welcomed our Year 7 students and many other new students coming in at other year levels.
Camps were a highlight this term - Year 7 Camp attending Camp Rumbug and the Year 12 residential camp at The University of Melbourne.
There have been three Parent Information Nights; the first welcoming families of Year students to the year in the week prior to camp, a week later we were exceptionally fortunate to have Chris Daicos, a highly sought after psychologist and presenter, who delivered the a fantastic presentation for Year 8, 9 and 10 families on developing adolescent resilience and the final one for the term, a VCE information evening.
There have been close to twenty incursions / excursions. Having recently taken on the role of Sport Coordinator, it will come as no surprise, that with Mrs. Emma Morris’ enthusiasm and passion for sport, we have had an increase in sporting teams represent Scoresby secondary College this term. Her energy and willingness to support all students in the sporting arena is to be commended, as are our students, who have all represented the school as either players, or coaches, with pride; always demonstrating outstanding sportsmanship!
Another exciting appointment this year has been Ms Kathleen Shirer leading student, vocie and agency across the college. Under Ms Shirer's guidance, the opportunity to drive our priority in providing students authentic agency and leadership has increased student engagement and the number of experiences within the college and beyond.
Ms Shirer has built the capacity of our student leaders to empower them to plan and host assemblies and special events.
Students at Scoresby Secondary College continue to expand their experiences by participating in activities through our partnerships. – Rotary Club of Knox and Thermo Fisher Scientific. Next term we look forward to our student leaders hosting a leadership training day for our local primary school student leaders.
All Year 7 and Year 10 students were able to have their immunisation updates. School photos also took place during Term 1 and will be distributed to all families at the start of Term 2.
The highlight of the term for me has been the projects the Vocational Major (VM) students have commenced or are completing. From the design and production of a portable step to allow greater access points to the stage, to the concrete path they are currently completing, or the mural completed at Benedict reserve; our VM students have thrived when completing practical, real-world, tasks. They also worked with student leaders to organise a Student Casual Dress Day and BBQ with all funds raised going to State Schools Relief.
We will continue to hold assemblies throughout each term. Students and parents/carers are asked to check Compass the scheduled assembly dates as students must arrive by 8.35am. Punctuality and attendance have always been a priority and this year the Department have also escalated the accountability requirements for all students to be at school.
End of Term 1
I hope that you all have a relaxing holiday break and an enjoyable Easter period. We will see the students back on Wednesday 26 April
Mr Mark Corrie
Assistant Principal - Operations
Learning Conferences
It was pleasing to see so many students and parents in attendance during learning conferences on Thursday 28 March. Thank you to the parents and students who made appointments and for engaging with teachers to discuss how to best improve academic, social and co-curricular experiences. I strongly encourage all parents and students to make appointments for the Term 3 Learning Conferences.
METEC Driver Training
On Thursday 30 March, Year 11 and Year 12 Vocational Major students spent the day at METEC Driver training in Kilsyth. Students were given the opportunity to drive in a controlled environment with qualified and experienced driving instructors. For some of our students, it was their first time driving a car and all students were able to control their vehicles well. Many students overcame their nerves and enjoyed a successful day of driving around private roads.
Our more experienced students relished the opportunity to hone their skills and practice dealing with railways crossings and hill starts in a manual vehicle. Well done to all students.
Year 11 students, Krista and Loren have written the following about their experiences in Vocational Major so far this year.
Krista and I are studying Certificate III in Early Childhood and Education. I’m currently studying at Box Hill Institute every Wednesday afternoon while Krista is studying at Chisholm.
We enjoy attending our work placements on Fridays to apply our knowledge and skills in the workplace. Work placement has enabled us to feel more and more included in everyday tasks especially when engaging with the children and other staff. Krista particularly enjoys helping out with any task.
We are continuing to work hard in completing every task possible with 110% effort into everything we are trying to achieve.
Loren Watson & Krista Bartholomew
Ground works
Vocational Major students have been working hard to improve the grounds and pathways during this term and have broken up uneven pathways, disposed of the rubble and formed up in readiness for laying new concrete. It was very pleasing to see the group work as a large team, which each member playing their part or educated when they didn't about teamwork. Students were motivated and self-managed for much of the project.
Term 1 Holidays
The upcoming holidays provide an opportunity for students to rest and to plan for Term 2. All students undertaking a VCE subject should allocate time to reinforce their learning of tthe key skills and knowledge covered throughout this term and ensure that they complete any assigned homework to the best of their ability. Of course, this is to be carried out in conjunction with rest and recreation. I hope that you have a safe and enjoyable break.
Mr Ayman Youssef
Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning