Principal's Report           




In this final newsletter for the term we wanted  to highlight the positive start we had to the school year. We have continued to provide quality teaching and learning experiences, including camps, excursions, and activities. We are proud of our students' engagement, commitment, and the pride they have shown throughout the term and especially during college tours. We appreciate the ongoing support we receive from our community and look forward to continuing to provide a great educational experience next term.


Open Day /Night

On 4 April we held our Open Day and Night and what an outstanding success it was. The college facilities, programs, staff and students were showcased to over three hundred visitors. We were very pleased to hear the number of comments about how impressive our students are, how proud our staff were working at Scoresby, the quality of every teaching program, and the positive energy throughout our College. A special thank you to all staff, students and parents who contributed to producing such a dynamic evening. We also appreciate the support of KIOSC and Thermo Fisher representatives and our student leaders who were excellent as they welcomed visitors with passion and pride.


Student Learning Conferences

Thank you to students, parents and carers, who attended the student learning conferences.  We hope it was an opportunity to meet and get to know your child's teacher and foster positive conversations. It is through the sharing of information about your child’s progress, interests and needs, that teachers are better equipped to personalise your child’s learning for future growth.


Student Free Day 24 April

Monday 24 April is a student free day. Our staff will be engaged in curriculum mapping.  

What is curriculum mapping you may ask?

Building teacher practice excellence has, and continues to be, a key focus for what we teach and how we teach. In most schools, teachers prepare what they teach through the development of a lesson plans that outline detail on what will be taught, how it will be taught, and what resources will be used to teach it. Most lesson plans cover from a single day or a short period, such as a week. High performing schools extend this process to embed a cycle of curriculum development, review and modifications to enhance not just learning but also student engagement. 

On 24 April our staff will be reviewing the curriculum content, knowledge, skills, and  assessments in unit planners to make any amendments required to align with changes in any VCE programs and pathways to future study and employment. Curriculum maps developed by the teachers, offer a long-term overview for continuous improvement. 

Staff will not be available during the training and will be unable to respond to any emails or calls throughout the day.


2023 College Council

The College Council AGM was held the last week in March.  College Council supports the principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students. On behalf of our community, I thank the following members who have been elected for being prepared to commit their time to support our college.


The 2023 - 2024 Committee members:

President - Mr Glenn Corey (Year 9 and 11 Parent)

Vice President - Mrs Jo Jones (Year 8 Parent)

Executive Officer (Principal) - Mrs Gail Major

Committee Members

Parent  Representatives 

Mr Andrew Bissett (Year 9 Parent)

Mr Garry Davies (Year 9 and 11 Parent)

Mr Chris Duncan ( Year 7 Parent)

Mrs Jennifer Willems (Year 7 and Year 11 Parent)


Department of Education and Training Employee Representatives

Mr Ayman Youssef (Assistant Principal)

Mr Mark Corrie (Assistant Principal)

Mrs Vicky Kamfonas (Business Manager)

Mrs Michele Rogers (Office/Attendance)            


Student Members                 

Levi (Rose) Lyons (Year 12) & Storm Pascua (Year 11)


Co-opted Members will be introduced next term.                              


I would like to acknowledge the contributions made by our outgoing council members Mr Peter Mitcham, Ms Leanne Powell, Ms Emily Phibbs (Bartlett), Amy Bugeja and Sam Dhillon.


I welcome our new members to Council and look forward to their contributions to the continued transformation and achievement of our goals and priorities.


College Uniform

Students are expected to be in their winter uniforms from the start of term two with the correct items being worn to and from school. Students were reminded of the uniform requirements and the importance of making any necessary adjustments to uniform length, holiday hair colours, and jewellery before they return to school.


Middle School Certificate

Once again students in Years 9 and 10 are eligible to obtain a Middle School Certificate. Like many independent and high performing schools Scoresby Secondary College issues a certificate for these year levels. The certificate recognises and reinforces the importance of attendance, participation in all aspects of education, and application. The certificate is particularly beneficial as a reference for students, particularly for students who choose other pathways following year 10.


Scoresby Secondary College Facebook 

Over the next two weeks we will be featuring teaching and learning highlights filmed during Term 1 and launching our new website. 


Upcoming holiday break


As the term draws to a close, I would like to again thank everyone who has contributed to a successful Term 1.


I especially wish to thank our community for the positive welcome provided to new students and staff as they have transitioned into Scoresby Secondary College. They have quickly gained an understanding of how inclusive and proud we are of our college and the culture of learning growth and respect that is strived for each day.


All the very best to staff, students, and families for a safe and relaxing holiday break so that we can all return refreshed and motivated for Term ahead.


Mrs Gail Major
