Grade Prep

Explore the Learning in Grade Prep

The Preps are such an amazing group of students, they have been learning so much this term and we are so proud of them! 


Over the past two weeks we have been focussing on the character strengths Teamwork Friendship and Harmony, they have enjoyed completing the activities and we have certainly noticed how everyone is including each other and being kind. 


The learning continues in the classroom, we have been focussing on Patterns and Location in maths.









In spelling we have focused on the words words ‘sun’ and ‘net’ and continue on with our weekly dictation on Fridays. Please remember to go over your child’s common words and spelling words with them as its connected to what we do in the classroom.  The students are enjoying the reading / writing lessons, we have seen some growth in their sound knowledge which is lovely to see.   









The Preps continue to love being read some picture story books by some year 5 students, its such a peaceful time for them to listen to stories as they eat their lunch.