Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

The iconic Celtic festival is not only an opportunity for our wonderful town to shine and show off its myriad wares, but it is also an opportunity for local schools to showcase their special talents in a public forum. Hence, the quality performance of our Stage 2 Choir is to be highly commended as they sang three wonderful songs at the Opening Ceremony on Friday 5 May. Special mention to Mrs Shanny Core for her expertise and skill in preparing and conducting our talented children and the Stage 2 teachers for providing a very safe travel experience through our busy festival streets! Well done everyone!


The potential downside of such a big event is the chance of picking up the odd viral infection. Please be reminded that despite our important work to improve and encourage high attendance levels at school, please keep your children at home if they are unwell. Besides being difficult for a sick child to learn, the possibility of spreading an infection to classmates is not worth it for either party. A day or two at home to sleep, drink water and recover quickly is far more productive than limping along for days at a time at school with a prolonged illness.


We are very appreciative of a Schools Upgrade Funding Grant courtesy of the Commonwealth government to the value of $24570. We had applied for the grant to outfit our new paved outdoor learning space near the Library with comfortable and contemporary outdoor furniture, as well as tiered terraces beside the oval and to repair our sash windows in the MacKillop buildings. Well done to Mrs Bea Baker for deploying her expert grant-writing skills that facilitated our successful application! Stay tuned for pictures on Facebook and in this newsletter in the coming months.


Thank you to all of those families that actively supported the recent Cross Country out at the Golf Course on Monday 8 May. On what turned out to be a bitter and windy day, many parents braved the icy conditions to ensure our young runners and geriatric Principal did not get lost or were well cared for with encouraging comments and necessary first-aid!? A load of fun was had by one and all despite the weather conditions - a wonderful community day! Congratulations to all of our Age-Champions and finalists who now move on to the Diocesan trials in Barraba today. And, of course, enormous thanks to Mrs Barratt and her team of skilful helpful adults who set up on Sunday afternoon and then proceeded to do the same thing very early on Monday morning. Your efforts and contributions do not go unnoticed!


Spread the word, everybody! Enrolments for St Joseph's in 2024 are now OPEN! For good schools to become great schools we need good kids to enrol here! And the best advertising for great schools is word of mouth. So, if you have friends or relatives that are looking for a high-quality education experience where the staff and families work in partnership to achieve high academic standards and positive well-being - send them our way NOW!


To conclude it is my great pleasure to announce the appointment of Mrs Libby Lockwood to the ACTING Assistant Principal position for 9 weeks from the beginning of Term 3. As Mr Rickie Withers takes well-earned long service leave in Term 3, Mrs Lockwood comes to us from St Joseph’s West Tamworth to grow her own leadership experience at our great school in Glen Innes. The announcement letter can be accessed here.


Until next time.


May God go with you.

Geoff McManus
