Library Report

Maryanne Gustus 

This week we once again took part in the Uniting Church Lunch program that occurs each and every Tuesday for members of our Community.

Mr. Leo McMahon supervised our group of Year 9 Volunteers on the day and once again our Students gained a wider perspective of empathy and compassion, along with being a ‘servant’ leader.

Here are our girls preparing food at School beforehand.  Thankyou amazing Students for your wonderful energy and enthusiasm.

L to R - Jessica Mibus, Olivia Hardy, Giselle Rabaud-Salas, Sophie Walker and Holly Rook. Lillian Glazebrook was absent on the day.
L to R - Jessica Mibus, Olivia Hardy, Giselle Rabaud-Salas, Sophie Walker and Holly Rook. Lillian Glazebrook was absent on the day.



The Month of March, with thanks to one of our Year 12 Student Leaders, Bella Manson, was deemed “Gratitude Month” here in the Library.

A table was set up with paper, pens and a big glass jar for inviting written phrases expressing Gratitude for something, anything that came to mind.




 I would like to share a selection of the "Offerings" submitted.

I am grateful for the friends that have let me into their lives



Teachers and staff at Monivae

My friends encouraging me to wear my Deb shoes

I am grateful waking up in a house and having food to eat

I am grateful for my horses being a constant in my life

I am grateful for access to food and water

I am grateful for The Boarding House with the yummy food and quiet areas and the people who are my friends there

Having my friends who care for me

For sight…to see all these wonderful people and to see the world 

I am grateful for my friends and for my amazing head skills

My family

I am grateful for Karate

I am grateful for old 2000’s Rock Bands

Lana Del Ray

I am grateful for my Mum

Time to reflect


I am grateful to live in a beautiful place and home, when so many in our world are dispossessed

I am grateful for my Mum for making my school lunches for 12 years

I am grateful for the Library, a place to escape the rest of the noisy, overwhelming place. It is nearly as good as the books it contains….an escape from reality.


Ms. Maryanne Gustus 
