Director of Students Report

Katee Mitchell

With the end of Term in sight, I am pleased to say that we have had a great start to the year in terms of our Students engaging with their learning and making great choices in their interactions with both staff and other students. It has been a busy term for all, and the Students have embraced the opportunities provided for them in Academic studies, Sporting events and other Co-curricula activities.


Bus use has increased significantly this year and I appreciate the challenges this has meant for some families. Please take the time to read the Monivae Bus Exchange document provided below to understand the requirements of catching a bus to/from school either, on a daily basis, or for some students, occasional travel. If you have further enquiries about school transport, please email Micelle Ferey

The Monivae Uniform committee is part way through the process for the supply of new PE sports tops and we are currently waiting on samples to arrive. It is proposed that these shirts will be available for the beginning of the 2024 School year. 


I would like to encourage all Students to end the term well in terms of effort and behaviour, showing the Monivae spirit of care and compassion to each other.


To ensure all of our students safety, could parents please ensure they use the Monivae drop and go zone for drop off and pick up of students to keep other areas clear and allow traffic to flow freely. There is no student collection points on the west side of the college. 


Mrs. Katee Mitchell

Director of Students