Year 3/4 Report

Wow, what a term! The Year 3/4 students have certainly been busy and have worked hard.
We are now in the 'taking action' phase of our inquiry unit 'Community'. Much of our inquiry has been integrated into literacy and students have been busy consolidating everything they have learned this term to create their very own news report comparing and contrasting Australia and a neighbouring country. During this project, students have explored the different aspects of the writing cycle, beginning with brainstorming all the way through to publishing. Students have been collaborating in pairs or small groups to brainstorm, research, categorise information, draft transcripts, edit (many times), publish and present their projects. It has been an engaging task with everybody extending themselves while having a lot of fun along the way. The students can't wait to share their final products with their families and friends in our open classroom on Wednesday the 5th of April. We are very proud of our students and their efforts!
In Numeracy, we have been exploring the measurement skill of telling the time. Students have been learning about the features of analogue clocks, how to read them using the language of 'past' and 'to' to communicate the time, as well as writing these times digitally. They have even been able to apply some of their knowledge of fractions to recognise quarter past, half past and quarter to times. With digital clocks being much more prevalent in our modern world, the ability to read analogue clocks is becoming an increasingly difficult skill for our students to learn. If you have an analogue clock at home, please encourage your child to practise reading times, reminding them what the hands represent and how they work.
Thank you Year 3/4 parents and students for such a successful term, we hope you have a wonderful holiday break and we are excited to continue learning in Term 2!