Year 1/2 Report

Over the past few weeks, students in Year 1/2 have been beginning to create self-portraits as part of the ‘taking action’ stage of our inquiry of ‘Community’. We have explored why it is important to feel like we belong and how different communities make us feel. As part of developing and collating everyone’s self-portraits, students will be able to bring an item home early next term that represents the 1/2 community and everyone who is a part of it.
In Literacy, students have been exploring a range of texts that connect to our inquiry learning about communities. Through exploration of these texts students have identified character feelings using clues from the text such as pictures and writing on the page to support their thinking. They have also made connections to their own experiences and ideas and themes across the texts.
In Numeracy we have been learning about addition strategies and how these strategies can help us to find the total of a collection effectively. Students have participated in a number of hands on and open-ended activities while working both individually and in small groups with a focus on explain our thinking about how we solved the problem. Across the past week, students have been learning about graphs and collecting data through asking questions. This have given students the opportunity to develop and ask questions of their choice, identify appropriate categories that match their question and then move towards showing the data they have collected in a pictograph.
1/2 Team