School Council

Dear Aberfeldie Primary School community,
It is the last week of Term 1 and I, for one, cannot believe how quickly the year is speeding by already! I hope the year has started well for you and your child. A big welcome to those new families to Aberfeldie Primary School! We are so pleased you have joined our school community.
My name is Bec Sobell, and I am honoured to introduce myself as your new (and returning) school council president. This year is my eighth as an APS parent (my eldest has just started high school, and my youngest is in Grade 4) and my seventh as a school council representative. During this time, I have been fortunate to have served in many capacities, including as school council president from 2019-2021. I would like to acknowledge and thank the retiring council members for their dedication and work during their terms: John Kapiris; Liz Monaghan; Scott Burns; and Emily Lidgerwood. I would also like to especially thank Trent Danaher, our president in 2022, for his leadership and active involvement in council over four years.
I would now like to introduce the Aberfeldie School Council for 2023. Our parent members are:
- Bec Sobell (President)
- Terry Kappadais (Vice President)
- Debbie Harris (Treasurer)
- Olivia Mouat (Fundraising Committee Convenor)
- Ben Coss (Buildings and Grounds Committee Convenor)
- Angus Tester
- Danielle Ali
Our Department of Education (DE) members are:
- Nathan Gage (Principal)
- Erin McNamara (Assistant Principal)
- Michael Saunders (Policy, Planning, & Review Committee Convenor)
- Elyse Dickeson
The role of school council is to help to set the long-term future and direction of the school and to assist in the governance of the school’s operation, through a number of functions including raising funds, exercising general oversight of school buildings and grounds, and representing and taking into account views and interests of the wider school community when making decisions. Please feel free to raise any questions or concerns with council members, and indicate whether you would like these to be discussed during a school council meeting. You are also welcome to send an email via the school, marked “Attention: School Council” and this will be forwarded to us. It is important to note, however, that matters relating to the curriculum, student behaviour, and/or the day-to-day running of the school are not areas the school council can address. Concerns relating to these areas should be discussed directly with Nathan Gage, Erin McNamara, or your child’s classroom teacher.
2022 was a successful year in which our teachers and students were able to have an uninterrupted year of learning, and the school community was able to reconnect and band together to raise an amazing amount of money for our new school playground. This year looks to be just as exciting with a number of upcoming fundraising events (don’t forget to return those Easter raffle tickets and book your ticket to the Mother’s lunch – I’ve got mine!), a working bee (date tbc) and learning and curriculum events within the school. I encourage you all to become involved in these events where possible as they not only support the school but provide an opportunity to connect and enjoy time with the other families who make up our amazing school community.
There have already been several important international dates acknowledged throughout the school which give rise to important learning opportunities for our children. The staff have started to provide some learning opportunities for us as parents too, to help us to be able to better support our children’s learning. Our Grade 3 and 5 students have completed their NAPLAN testing and the school council acknowledge the staff, families, and students for their successful involvement in this.
I look forward to sharing School Council updates with you throughout the year and wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday break.
Bec Sobell -APS School Council President
On behalf of the school council and the fundraising committee, I'd like to thank everyone in the community who donated their time, money, goods and/or muscle to helping the school raise enough money in 2022 to replace the old grade 3-6 playground. It was an incredible effort and shows how much everyone values our school. The school is currently awaiting for Department of Education approval prior to breaking ground.
In 2023, the school council and fundraising committee are looking to you to guide where this year's money raised will be spent- Do we want a new bike shed? Do we want more imaginative play options in the yard? Do we want to save the money for emergency works? The choice is yours and we want to hear it. Please contact with your ideas.
Lastly, I'd like to thank the absolute gems of the fundraising committee for their ongoing motivation and ability to achieve, on the smell of an oily rag! We are looking at a stella year ahead with some amazing events, kicking off with the Ladies Lunch on Saturday May 13. Buy your tickets via the Qkr app.