School News & Information:

2023 Fundraising Vote:
The School Council and Fundraising Committee are giving the community an opportunity to help the school decide where your generous donations for 2023 will be directed.
Please click below to vote on where you would like to see these funds spent!
2023 Art Leaders:
Uniform shop opportunity EOI
Our second hand uniform store is a very special feature of our school that has been run superbly by our wonderful parent volunteer, Bishan, for a number of years. Bishan has been doing an amazing job, but it is now time for her to pass on the torch. This is a call out to any parent, or parents, who may like to support us through the second hand uniform store - please contact the office for more information.
National Ride 2 School Day
On the 24th of March this year Aberfeldie Primary School participated in National Ride to school day. We were one of the 867 schools that participated. Across Australia 364,000 students either walked or rode to school as part of this day. Aberfeldie put in a huge effort with an amazing 149 people riding or scooting to school, 102 people walking and only 86 came by car. The three classes that got the most people riding or walking were; 3/4C, 5/6B and 3/4B. We all put in a huge effort and we are very proud of our school.
By Lilly Mae Kolliou and Patrick Lonergan
Student Report: Tennis -Gala day 1
On Friday the 24th of February, the tennis team competed at Saint Monica's against lots of other schools for gala day 1. Some of the other schools we versed were Essendon, Moonee Ponds, Strathmore, Strathmore north, Essendon North and Saint Monica’s.
In the first round Aberfeldie A versed Aberfeldie B, the score was 4 games to 2. Aberfeldie B won. Through out the day, the two teams played amazing.
Aberfeldie A won 5 out of 6 games and Aberfeldie B won 6 out of 6 games
Student Report: Gala day 2
On Friday the 3rd of March the tennis team went to saint Monica’s again to play against other schools for gala day 2. The 2 teams played phenomenal across the day.
At the end of the day, the 2 Aberfeldie teams were drawn on first and played it out for first place. In the end, after ages of matches, the final score was 4 games to 2, Aberfeldie A won. That means that Aberfeldie A will be competing at divisionals later this year.
Some of the highlights were:
- Stanko, Patrick, Teagan and Georgia for amazing shots
- Flynn, Zoe, Jackson and Archer for great volleys
- Jemima, Isabelle, Harper and Crystal for great serving
- Rihanna, Zara, Emma and Georgia for great speed
- We would like to thank Miss Sophia for being an amazing coach and thank you to Zoe’s mum and Lena’s dad for coming along and helping with the scoring.
We would also like to thank Sam for organising this amazing day and we couldn’t have done it without him.
By Stanko Nastic and Patrick Lonergan
Student Report: Volleyball
Recently the grade 5/6s had a gala day. Gala day is when you decide on a sport to play for you were allowed to choose out of volleyball, cricket, softball and tennis. This segment we will be talking about volleyball. Our volleyball matches were held on the last two Fridays and they were amazing! There were two teams, the A team and the B team, they both played amazingly well. The A team had played 4 games the first Friday versus many schools like Essendon north, Essendon, Strathmore and Strathmore North, the B team played against Essendon, Strathmore, Strathmore north and St Monica’s, the A team lost no games and the B team lost three out of four. The second Friday rolled past super quick and we were soon back at Fairborn park playing three games and still having heaps of fun. A team played four due to them being unbeaten. The A team had done it again and won all their games and miraculously made it to divisionals. All the teams had played exceptionally well and we were all ecstatic with the final scores. We were shocked and super stunned with the scores but we worked very hard to earn it and we forgot all the doubters as they heard us chant our name. ABERS!
Conor Crevatin and Jianna Desai
Student Report: Softball
On the 24th of February and the 3rd of March Aberfeldie Primary school competed at gala day. In softball we had two teams. The A and the B team. Our coach was Miss Decis and she was an incredible and really supportive coach. We played really well and even finished fourth out of ten teams! We had a really really fun day despite feeling some really hard teams such as Strathmore North primary and St Monica’s Primary. We want to thank Matilda and Riley’s mum for coming and being amazing supporters. We had some amazing players such as: Asher P , Christian N and also Pia. Also our captains over the two days were amazing and they really helped the team.
By Violet Henry
Student Report: District swimming
This report is about the district swimming competition that was on Wednesday march first. The events were, 50 meter freestyle, 50 meter Butterfly, 50 meter breaststroke, 50 meter backstroke and freestyle relay . In third place Addy, Marcy, Gabe and the girls 11 year old relay. In second place Mason, Anna, Caitlin and the boys 12 year old relay. In first place Steve, Gaby, Georgia, Bradley , Anna and the 10 year old girls relay.We would like to thank Sam and Mrs Sophia for organizing this event.
By Addy Marshall