Family Educator's News

Janine Hannigan - Family and Faith

What to Give up - A Lenten Reflection 

Give up complaining - focus on gratitude

Give up pessimism- become optimistic

Give up judgement - think kind thoughts

Give up worry - trust 

Give up bitterness - turn to forgiveness

Give up anger - be more patient 

Give up negativism - be positive


Coffee Connect 

I would like to invite the families from Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2  to join us for morning tea on the dates below at Flower Power, Enfield. There is a café where you can purchase food and coffee. Ms Carlo-Stella will also be attending.


Dates are as follows:

Kindergarten - This week - Friday 10th March 9:20am

Year 1 - Friday  17th March 9:20am

Year 2 - Friday 24th March 9:20am

Please RSVP to I look forward to enjoying a coffee with you and connecting as a community. 


Season of Lent 

The season of Lent has arrived. It is a time we set aside each year to remember the love of God that is poured out through Jesus on the cross in His death; and His defeat of death. Christ's death and resurrection brings Eternal Life to you.


During this beautiful time, I offer you a space just to be. Join me at 2:30 pm on the seats in Alison Street on Thursday 16th March  


Parent Excursion 

Thank you to the lovely ladies who joined me in visiting the Friendship Gardens. We enjoyed all the beauty of the gardens and the truly tranquil atmosphere. We shared a meal together and had a wonderful time. 


St Francis Xavier Playgroup 

Bring your pre-school aged children to socialise and have fun. Arts and crafts are a favourite as is our brand new play kitchen.


Term 1 Dates:

Wednesday 15th March 

Wednesday 22nd March 


Each Wednesday we will meet in the hall at 9:10 am. All parents need to sign in and out via the office. Parents must stay in the hall for the duration of the Playgroup.


Wellness Walk 

All are welcome to join me for a wellness walk around the local area. Together let's slow down, start the day with movement and enjoy the surrounding beauty.  Let's meet on the church steps at 9:00 am, weather permitting. 


Term 1 Dates:

Thursday 16th March  

Thursday  23rd March   

Gardening Club                               

Year 3 and 4 students have been helping create a new garden area on the primary side. The students began designing and drawing their dream garden. Their imaginations were big, bold and very creative. 

The students planted some new plants in the undercover area. 

On Tuesday we planted some seedlings into the new garden beds donated by Bunning Warehouse Ashfield, a massive thank you for supplying the soil, garden beds and seedlings.   


Kind regards

Janine Hannigan

Family Educator 

Family and Faith