Wellbeing News

Mr Nick Criniti - Wellbeing Coordinator

Dear Parents,


This fortnight we began to explore the Character Strength of Fairness across K-6. Our students were able to explore the idea that fairness is providing others with the opportunity to be successful. People who strive for fairness look at individuals as people with varying needs and abilities who all deserve the opportunity to be successful.

We continued our physical activity initiative around Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds. Students from K-2 engaged in various activities that promoted developing positive relationships while ensuring that activities were fair. 


A big thank you to the Year 6 students who planned and led this initiative. 


Below are some wellbeing activities for families to engage in around fairness.


Fair or Not Fair? That is the Question.

Here’s a game you can play at the dinner table or elsewhere. Brainstorm and write down a bunch of statements that could be interpreted as fair or not fair. 


Examples include:

  • You drink the rest of your friend’s lemonade when she is not around without asking because you plan on making more for her later.
  • You get help from your mum in doing your math homework, then get the best grade in your class and earn a prize.
  • You play on the soccer team and because you are better than your teammates, the coach puts you in more.
  • You and your little sister play with Legos but your sister cleans them all up.

Read each statement aloud and ask your kids if they think it’s fair or not fair. If they say fair, they’ll give a thumb’s up and explain why. If they say not fair, they’ll give a thumb’s down and explain why not and how they might change the scenario to make it fair. 


This activity is not about conclusive answers, but is more an exercise to get kids thinking in the right direction


Nick Criniti
