Religious Education News

Miss Isabella Ingegneri - Religious Education Coordinator

Dear Parents,


The SRC is an action team that sets out to inspire and have a student ‘voice’ within our school. The SRC are given opportunities to participate in activities that enable them to make a difference in the school and community as well as empower other students to be involved. Each year, two representatives from years one to five are chosen by their class peers to be part of the SRC by their peers. 


Yesterday, the SRC students were commissioned into their role with a special whole school liturgy and presentation of badges. 


Congratulations to the following students:


Micah Roche

Mary Tawil


Eve Whelan 

Dion Trochei


Lara Jarjo

Alex Succar


Jack D’Agostino

Olivia Saliba


Xavier Gliddon

Scarlett Boustany


Ilaria Talamanca

Thomas Russo


Luca Mohelika

Juliana Lagana 


Elizabeth Aoun

Lucas Gregory


Eva Madden

Robert Nguyen

5/6 G

Noah Muddle

Leah Kazzi

Feast of St Joseph - 19th March 

St Joseph’s day is celebrated on March 19 every year. The day commemorates the feast of St Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary and father of Jesus Christ. St Joseph is the patron saint of families, fathers, expectant mothers, travellers, immigrants, house sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers and working people.


St. Joseph's feast often is celebrated by attending Mass and setting up an altar or table where food, flowers and objects are placed to express thanks and gratitude to the saint or to seek his intercession. 

Let us be brave, hard working and faithful like St Joseph as we move forward in the month of March. 

‘... he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him 

and took his wife into his home.’ 

Matthew 1:24


Prayer for St Patrick’s Day - 17th March 



Kind Regards, 


Isabella Ingegneri 

Religious Education Coordinator