From the Principal

It is hard to believe that we are now at the end of the 8th week of Term 1. As Principal of Langwarrin Park Primary my absolute priority is for our school to provide the best possible learning environment for every student who walks through our gates.

When looking at the Sentral calendar it highlighted to me how we are creating all of this.  In the first 8 weeks we have:

  1. Welcomed all our Foundation (and new from other levels) families to Langwarrin Park Primary School
  2. Had our annual Grade 6 water safety and beach program
  3. Had our annual Foundation BBQ to welcome our new families
  4. Conducted our Meet the Teacher Interviews in early Term 1, so teachers could learn more about their students from a parent/carer perspective
  5. Had a group of students participate in the District Swimming
  6. Had a number of year levels complete their swimming program
  7. Had all our F-2 students involved in the Twilight Sports on the oval 

Before the end of term year levels will be hosting an expo to showcase student learning from this Term.

As a school we are clear that all parents and carers play a vital role in their child's education (and research clearly indicates this). All teachers and year level teams are and will continue to look at different ways to better engage you with your child's learning.



Currently all our Grade 3 and 5 students are completing the NAPLAN Literacy and Numeracy testing. This tool is an important whole school improvement tool. This provides us with valuable insights into student achievement and growth levels for both Literacy and Numeracy.


School Arrival Time

Just a reminder about school arrival times that no student should be arriving at school before 8.30am. Deb, Kym and I are not out on yard duty. Our absolute concern is for the safety of all students and when they are in the playground without the proper supervision, this can be put at risk.

We have a fully supervised before school program run by Camp Australia. This service opens each morning at 6.30am.

