Class Celebrations

Celebrating the growth in our wonderful children on each learning level...


In Science and English this term students are learning about Earth and its changing environments. To help support this learning come to life, Prep took part in a hour long workshop with facilitators from Earth Crusaders. They explored plastic in our environment and discover a way to reduce plastic use with creating their own beeswax wraps. It was a hands-on, fun experience for all. We cannot wait to see the beeswax wraps in lunch boxes in the following days, weeks and months. 

Year 1

This week, we had the pleasure of having Mr. Anatoli from Craft Power for an engaging workshop with our Year 1 students. Our current science focus for this term centers around the concept of Simple Machines. It was an absolute delight to witness our students thoroughly enjoying themselves as they constructed their own wooden cars. We are exceptionally proud of our students for their attentive listening and their impressive ability to follow the instructions to create these remarkable cars!


Year 2

This week in Science, the Year 2 cohort has been learning about matter. They have classified matter as solids, liquids and gases. Students have described the properties of matter using their sense of touch, sight, smell and hearing. To check the understanding of the cohort, they participated into a chocolate experiment. Students became scientists to observe how chocolate can change from a solid to a liquid when heated and back to a solid when cooled. Their scientific vocabulary was on display when describing the properties of chocolate throughout the experiment. It was fun to see the excitement of the chocolate lovers in the cohort!


Year 3

Year 3 have been busy this week preparing for their Pyrography in-visit next week where they will be burning a Viking design onto a piece of wood. Student explored Viking related images and sketched their chosen design. It was the perfect way to build excitement around students future learning as we will shortly be studying the topic of Vikings in both our English and Humanities lessons. On Friday, we all enjoyed the chance to connect in our house groups during House Sports Day. Students beautifully demonstrated our school value of community by displaying good sportsmanship and being their supportive and kind selves. 

Year 4

It has been a busy time in Year 4! Last week we set sail on our river cruise along the Yarra River as part of our Humanities unit on rivers around the world. It was a stunning day and the students particularly enjoyed having turns of watching Melbourne go by from the outside deck of the boat. 


In Science, we have continued learning about heat. We have been exploring primary and secondary heat sources, heat transfer and heat conductors and insulators. Do you know why the handle of a cooking pot is usually made of plastic? Why not have your Year 4 explain it to you!

Year 5

This week in Year 5, the students have been enhancing their skills when writing procedural texts. They were encouraged to include all the features of a procedural text in their writing. The students crafted and published their own sandwich recipes, which allowed them to apply what they had learned into practice. 


We have enjoyed reading the students' work and are immensely proud of their progress. We look forward to seeing them continue to flourish in writing this term.

Year 6


Finally, the trip of the year so many students had been waiting for had arrived, and it did not disappoint! Years 5 and 6 headed off to the YMCA camp in Anglesea for 3 days. With a jam-packed schedule that included skateboarding, canoeing and a giant swing, everyone was kept busy. In the evenings, we enjoyed a talent show around a campfire, toasted marshmallows and watched a movie. Every student displayed exemplary behaviour which would make their families proud! They exhibited the Big 10 Essential Habits by using polite and respectful language and made sure lend a helpful hand – even when it came to the dishes! Special memories were certainly created amongst the comradery and teamwork.