Pathways & Possibilities

Laura Hughes
Careers Counsellor
After a busy year so far, I want to reflect on the Pathways and Possibilities (formerly Careers) program in 2022 and mention some key info as we move towards 2023.
- This year in Home Group, BSC ran 32 Careers Development lessons across Years 7 to 12 and featured 3 industry professionals as guest facilitators.
- In May we held a Pathways Expo featuring multiple university, TAFE and employment providers. This expos was a catalyst for lots of great conversations and research.
- Our Year 10 students participated in the Work Experience Program in May, and an unprecedented 97% of students attended a placement at a time where many schools in Melbourne elected to cancel the program altogether. We have seen the impact this program has and are proud of the resilience and tenacity of our students for arranging and attending their placements.
- On June 2 BSC ran its second Meet the Job panel event – it was a rousing success! Twelve speakers from diverse career backgrounds spoke about their careers and fielded insightful questions from the audience.
- Our Year 9 students participated in the Morrisby Profile Assessmentand each received a 30 min counselling session to discuss their personalised 20-page report. Here’s some interesting data from this year’s cohort (click on the graphic to enlarge).
- In Term 3, the Careers team presented at multiple information nights to prepare students and carers for making decisions for 2023. We discussed senior school pathways, the new VCE Vocational Major model, Vocational Education & Training (VET) options, and the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) process for Year 12 students applying for further study. The team also answered questions and at the three Subject Selection Expos that they staged for the Year 9, 10 and 11 students, followed up with great conversations during the Subject Selection Interviews with these same students.
- Every Year 12 student met with Laura twice this year – once in Term 1 to discuss and plan for thier pathway (based on their skills and interests) and again in Term 3 to finalise their applications for tertiary study, apprenticeships or employment. This year we have had an impressive 118 students submit applications for further study through VTAC.
- Countless students have had one on one conversations to create unique pathways for their study and future – we are so excited for our students! Over a dozen parents and carers also attended drop-in meetings with Laura to chat about pathways and study options for the students in their families.
- This year we have also supported a record number of students to enrol in VET courses for 2023. This is an outstanding achievement – these students now have the opportunity to graduate with a nationally recognised qualification alongside their senior school certificate.
- The school careers website has undergone some improvements and now has an amazing student profile and learning feature. Going forward, all our Home Group Career Development lessons will be structured around the use of these profiles, so that as students move through Years 7 to 12, they build a lasting online portfolio to support them when they graduate.