A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Dear Parents and Carers,


Healthy Food

I have noticed recently a number of students trying to throw sandwiches away at lunch time. When questioned why they have thrown away their food, often the students say ‘but I don’t like this sandwich’. I ask that our parents/carers have a discussion with their children about how important it is to eat the food you have packed for them. 


Silly Sock Fundraiser

I encourage all families to get behind the Silly Sock fundraiser this Wednesday for Childrens’ Mission. It is an important life lesson to learn to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Wearing silly socks to school and making a donation are simple ways for our students to make a difference.


World Teachers’ Day

This Friday is World Teachers’ Day. On behalf of our school community I would like to thank our wonderful teachers for their dedication to the students in their care. 


Book Fair

We were so fortunate the weather held off last Thursday evening so we could have our annual Book Fair. Thanks to Kate Thompson for coordinating this event, to the staff for your help and to our families for taking the time to attend, buy books and also for making the amazing costumes your children wore! It was a fun community evening!


Brain Olympia

Good luck to our Brain Olympia team: Abbie, Charles, Archie, Jack, Olive, Ayla, Alex and Rosie who will represent our school in Tamworth this Wednesday. I am sure you will represent your school with pride.


Have a safe and happy week.

Pauline Long
