

It is that time of the year again when harmful UV rays start to climb.

Your child must wear a hat to school everyday.

If your child does not have a hat, they must stay in the shade when outside.


All mobile phones are to be handed in to the front office first thing in the morning.

Smart watches are required to be in a mode that restricts any notifications occurring during the school day.

If your child needs help, they can go to an educator. If you need to contact your child, you can do so through the office.

Digital Technologies:

In the last fortnight, the students from Prep to Grade 6 engaged in their fourth and final Inform and Empower session with Martin McGauran. All students learnt about “red flags” and how to identify and respond to an unsafe interaction online. 

For more information about what your child learnt in the session or some simple conversation starters about cyber safety, please read; 

Healthy Lunchboxes!