Frank Blanchard Bursary

We are proud to announce that applications for the Frank Blanchard Scholarship 2022 are now open for consideration. This is a bursary open to current Year 10 students who are committed to their learning programs for Years 11 and 12 and whose families are seeking financial reprieve for their College fees in the final years of senior schooling. This bursary is generously supported by our Parents and Friends Support Network, and honours the memory of Frank Blanchard, who made significant contributions to Mount Alvernia College during his many years as President of the P&FSN.
The application form is available here. Completed applications should be marked CONFIDENTIALand forwarded directly to the College Principal at by Friday 4 November.
Final decisions regarding bursar7 holders will be at the discretion of the Principal and will remain private and confidential.