From the Principal

What will you write on your page?

This week we have had wonderful celebratory events to recognise the final week of school for the Class of 2022. Our Year 12 students celebrated Mass with their parents and were invited back to a final secondary school assembly. Our Year 12 Assistant Deputy Principal, Mr Bostelman, also addressed our students and parents and discussed the successes and challenges of the year.


There is much happening in the world at present as we learn to live with COVID and the world follows with great interest and concern the unfolding situation in Ukraine. Fortunately, there are also global events of great celebration. I provided the following message to our graduating class.


‘The Football (Soccer) World Cup is fast approaching, and it is a massive sporting event, second only behind the Olympic Games with respect to global following. Clearly there will be significant interest in Australia with our national team playing in the finals.
One of the countries participating is Wales with their team qualifying for the first time since 1958; a gap of 64 years. I recently viewed a brilliant YouTube clip of Welsh Actor, Michael Sheen, providing an inspirational ‘hypothetical’ address to the players as the tournament approaches. The Welsh Football Manager is Rob Page and Sheen implored the footballers to write their story on ‘Rob’s page’. He vividly describes a vision of hope, courage and victory as the players write their names in the record books. It is wonderful viewing!

The message is appropriate for the Class of 2022 as they leave the College and prepare to write the story of the rest of their lives. It is a page that has a strong foundation; most importantly from the home and secondly from John XXIII College. It will be a page full of hope and full of successes. Inevitably, there will be some edits along the way; some crossing out and re-writes. That is true of everyone’s life.


Twenty, thirty, forty years from now, how is the Class of 2022 going to measure the success of their lives? Is it going to be fame or fortune or are there more important measures?


The author AA Milne, best known for Winnie the Pooh, wrote a beautiful poem entitled ‘Half-Way Down’. It depicts a child seated at the mid-point of the staircase. It is a point of contemplation and there will be inevitable ‘highs’ and ‘lows’ when we move up and down the stairs. When we receive praise, it is important ‘to look out the window’ and give credit to others. When receiving criticism, we should first look inwardly and self-reflect rather than blaming others.


I have attended many school reunions from many schools. One observation is that monetary success does not equate to happiness. If we place ourselves at the top of the stairs, life has a habit of bringing us down to earth. I hope that the College’s Mission statement will ring true for Class of 2022; seeking to be people of competence, conscience, compassion, committed to God and the service of others. I thank you for your contribution to our College and I wish you well for the exciting times ahead.



Robert Henderson
