News and Announcements

Please Enter Quietly During Year 12 Exams
The Year 12s have started their exams and will finish on Tuesday 15 November. The exams are held in the community rooms (near the gym). We particularly request parents to observe any cones and barriers that are placed up on the grass area out the front of the school, which denote that an exam is in action.
It is critical for parents and children to quietly move off the school grounds at the end of the day if those barriers are in place to enable the students the best opportunity to concentrate and focus on their exams.
Thank you in anticipation for your cooperation.
Melbourne Cup Long Weekend
The College will be closed on Monday 31 October and Tuesday 1 November due to the Melbourne Cuppublic holiday. Both these days are student-free days. (The only students required at school on Monday are VCE students who are sitting an exam. )
School will resume on Wednesday 2 November
We hope that all families have a safe and enjoyable long weekend.
COVID-19 Information and Rapid Antigen Tests
The Victorian Government has provided the College with Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs). Please feel free to collect them in the College office.
It is strongly recommended that students (this is not compulsory):
- who test positive to COVID-19 should stay home and isolate for 5 days
- should not attend school after 5 days if still symptomatic
- who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend school
- advise the school of the COVID-19 positive test result.
Where students become symptomatic at school they should:
- be collected by their parents/carers
- undergo testing for COVID-19.
Headspace: Mental Health Online Information Session
Summer Uniform Term 4
This a reminder that students are to wear summer uniform in Term 4. This also means students must wear a hat outside.
Hats can be purchased at the College office:
- Bucket hat $11
- Slouch hat $13
- Baseball cap (for Secondary students only) $10
- Secondhand hats $2.