Year 5 Spotlight

Anglesea Camp: 7- 9 September!
Year 5 went on a camp to Anglesea!
It was a long but exciting drive on the bus. When we reached our destination there was a lot of cheering as people hustled off the bus.
~ Grace M, 5A
We participated in many different group activities throughout the camp. Enjoy reading some of our highlight snapshots, describing our favourite things about school camp:
Spencer (5A): Beach Carnival
When we arrived, we saw the 4 beach activities: Sandcastle building, Flags, Water races and find the ball. I was starting to feel very competitive and determined to win. First, we had sandcastle building my team got 9.5 out of 10, then we headed off to find the ball… my team did not succeed. In Flags I actually won! I was so proud of myself.
Xavier (5C): Beach Carnival
As we stepped onto the beach, the sand crawled through my toes. My favourite activity was the beach flags. Everyone in Orange Team (the best team) did really well. We gained a lot of points from all the activities, which made us win! We got to put our team name “FPS Team Orange 2022” on the Beach Carnival Anglesea Trophy.
Olivia McFarlane (5C): Indian Dinner Highlight
The rich sauce seeped into my mouth as I tore apart the tender chicken. I let the buttered chicken sit in my mouth so I could soak up the delicious flavours of Indian cuisine. Next, I aggressively tore apart the naan bread with my teeth. It tasted doughy but it wasn’t dry. After devouring my naan bread, I pushed the rice towards the sauce and swirled it around until it was nearly saturated. Five minutes later, my food was gone. I wanted to be able to eat it all over again.
Clementine (5C): GaGa Pit
The old, rugged ball, smacking hard against my hands. The cold rain running down my back while the ball was whacking against my wet, soft hands. I could hear the sound of the ball banging against the wall, bouncing back for another hit.
Stasys (5B) – Vertical Challenge
As I climbed the wet, slippery, obstacle course that went by the name of the vertical challenge, I realised why it was called that. The black, hard tires caused a real struggle. It was hard, but I was able to conquer it. When I finally reached the top of the rock-climbing section and the structure itself, I pulled the string and yelled ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’.
Zach (5C) – Giant Swing
As I looked down, I saw my group tugging at the rope, pulling my lifeless body up into the clouds. I heard everybody screaming at the top of their lungs. I reached out into the endless void and pulled the rope. I froze. Then it all happened really fast. I fell and I fell and fell! Until I didn’t. I flew back into the air and came down at rocketing speed. Everybody cheered.
Sana (5B) – Giant Swing
I was finally at the top. It was time… time to get dropped down 18 metres. I could hear voices screaming, 3, 2, 1!
My stomach dropped as I went soaring through the air.
Fenna (5A) – Inverlochy Challenge
On the final day we had the Invelochy Challenge. We had a few ups and down as a group. My team did very well, I liked the Invelochy Challenge because it helped bring the team closer together.
~ Year 5 Teachers (Aaron, Lauren & Anna) and Students