Assistant Principal's Report

It’s a Wrap!
As I looked back at all the events and activities our school has been involved in this year, I was amazed at how many wonderful opportunities our students have experienced across the term. There was a huge variety of excursions, incursions and events, which have helped shape and develop our students – providing them with a multitude of experiences.
Below is a list of events which have occurred in term three alone…
- Athletics (trials, division carnival)
- Cross Country Carnival
- Year 5 Anglesea Camp
- ‘Learn to Swim’ program
- Foundation ‘Fire Education’ incursion
- Chess Club
- Year 4 CERES ‘Indigenous Perspectives’ excursion
- Year 1 & Year 2 concert ‘What Will It Be?’
- ‘Water Watchers’ incursion
- Year 6 Basketball Tournament
- Book Week celebrations
- Year 3 IMAX excursion
- Berthe Mouchette Poetry competition
- Year 6 Melbourne Zoo excursion
- Year 2 CERES incursions
- Challenge and Enrichment Program – NGV excursion
- Excursion to Kew High School to watch ‘The Addam’s Family’ performance
- Climate Change incursion
- Somers Camp
- Foundation ‘Parts’ incursion
- ‘Write Away With Me’ – Writers Workshop incursion
- Year 6 Immigration Museum excursion
We finish with a whole-school Indigenous incursion and performance run by Lucas Proudfoot – on the last day of term... wow!
Enjoy the School Holidays
As we head towards the final few days of term, I know you will be thinking about your plans for the school holidays, whatever they involve. I hope you can spend some time being still and reflecting on all the positive moments that you have been witness to and involved in, throughout the past term.
Holidays need not be busy times. I know amongst the business that school holidays can bring, I will be attempting to carve out some moments of stillness for myself.
I look forward to seeing you back after the holidays, ready for another exciting term filled with fun and learning!
~ Sarah Abbott, Assistant Principal