VCE NEWS: August 2018
Semester Two: Units 2 and 4 commence
The second-last week of last term saw the beginning of Semester 2, and with it the formal commencement of Units 2 and 4. Obviously, no further changes are possible to a student’s VCE program at this stage in the year. It is essential that parents recognise that there is less teaching time in Semester 2, especially in the case of Year 12. Indeed, the 10 weeks of term 3 will be the final period of active teaching by class teachers, as term 4 signifies exam revision and preparation. Students simply cannot afford to be absent for any length of time as this will inevitably, and unavoidably, adversely impact on their results. Please consider this when making any plans for family vacations.
All Units 3/ 4 internal SAC scores are moderated against a student’s performance in the final VCAA external exam. Therefore, we place enormous importance on exam skilling and preparation. Students must undertake the trial exams which will be set by their subject teachers, and some of these will be scheduled to occur in the second week of the term 2 holidays. They are expected to attend all such sessions so as to maximise their performance.
Year 12 VCE English Lecture: Tuesday 14 August: 2.30-3.55pm: Theatre
So as to support each Year 12 English student’s exam performance, there will be a compulsory exam lecture on the afternoon of Tuesday 14 August (2.30-3.55pm) in the Theatre. All Year 12 English students must attend and take notes as active learners. A comprehensive handout will also be distributed and explored during the session. Please note that this was previously listed on the official VCE calendar as occurring on 21 August, but has been moved a week earlier.
Senior Formal: 30 July
This highly-successful event was attended by most VCE students. It was a delight to see the care most students had taken with their attire, with elegance being displayed abundantly! Students clearly enjoyed the opportunity to dance and mingle socially with their peers and teachers alike.
Presentation Ball: 3 August
Another major event on the senior school calendar is the Presentation Ball, which provides an opportunity for students to be expertly taught to learn to formally dance and to memorise and perform a segued sequence of three dances in a formal setting at the Grand on Princes in Mulgrave.
Special Programs: ABCN
The ABCN (Australian Business and Community Network) is a consortium of major business organisations which actively supports students from schools such as ours which are under-represented in tertiary education. It seeks to provide students, including ours, with specialised activities which develop their skills and knowledge, typically supported by volunteer business mentors.
Previously, Shadab Safa (Year 12, 2017) was a scholarship winner from our school and in 2018 and 2019, Trent Ruston is our second scholarship winner. This provides each student with ongoing financial support, training and mentoring to facilitate their longterm goals and aspirations.
In addition, five of our current Year 11 and 12 students have been successful in their applications to be part of another exciting program entitled ‘Entrepreneurs Unearthed’. We have also nominated 10 Year 11 girls to be part of a 3 session female mentoring initiative in August and September.
We are very appreciative of the wonderful support many of our aspirational VCE students have been able to access from organisations such as ABCN. We are continually seeking other opportunities to extend our students and realise their potential.
Ross Huggard, VCE Leader