Shape your Destiny
Year 10 Students participate in the “Shape your Destiny” Career planning workshop at the end of term 2
Course Counselling
Year 10 students spent the first couple of weeks of Term 3 researching and preparing for their course selection interviews. The course selection day was well attended, with some very productive conversations between students, their families and course counsellors. Most of the students had spent time thinking about their preferred learning style and finding out about pre-requisite subjects for future pathways, and hopefully they have made the right choices that will lead them to a successful future. At this stage we do not know when students will be finally advised of their subject blocks for next year, but we will let you know as soon as we find out!
Keep working hard!
We remind all students that they still need to satisfactorily complete Year 10 and that means that they need to keep working hard in class, continue homework, and continue to behave in an appropriate manner both with in the classroom and in the schoolyard. We are currently completing interim reports for a number of students and will be contacting families to follow up instances of lack of effort and participation.
Work Experience
Students and families are reminded that work experience takes place in the final week of term, 17-21 September. Students are aware of what is required to obtain a work experience placement. A note to families about this is available on Compass. All work experience forms MUST be returned by 31 August so that we can process them and prepare the paperwork, including the work place assignment, for those who are attending. Students who are unable to find a work experience placement will be expected to attend classes as normal for the week.
We encourage students to take part in this opportunity. We know it can be very hard to find a placement, but please persevere. Any students or families who would like to discuss work experience should contact the Careers office or Mrs Brennan (Year 10 Coordinator and Careers teacher).
Congratulations to those students who do come to school in uniform and who do obtain a uniform pass on the rare occasion they might come out of uniform. Unfortunately this is something where Year 10 students all too often fall short. Please refer to the uniform code, published on the school website, to confirm what is required. If your child has a uniform problem that will take some time to remedy, please contact the Year 10 Coordinators, so that we are aware of the situation – for example needing new school shoes.
Computers – BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
This year, Year 10 students have been asked to supply their own computers/device. Many have chosen to use their old netbooks from previous years. This is an acceptable choice, provided the computer actually works! If you do not have a charger, need a new battery, have problems with the screen or some other issue, then you need to organise for that to be repaired as the school does not have a contract to repair Year 10 devices. We recognise that some subjects require computer use more than others, but it is essential that ALL students have a fully functioning computer so they can access Compass, submit work etc. Please check with your child to see that their computer is actually functioning and if necessary arrange for repairs/replacement.