Cranbourne Secondary School Parents and Caregivers Association (CSCPCA)
The CSCPCA was launched earlier this year to broaden and enhance the connections between parents and the school community. The CSCPCA is run by parents and all parents and caregivers are welcome and encouraged to be involved. Contributing to the Association and its activities is personally rewarding and highly valued by the whole community. Your support and friendship will enable the CSCPCA to flourish for the benefit of the school and your children.
Since its launch the CSCPCA have raised and discussed various issues including the use of compass and other communication channels, the sports uniform, mentoring and buddying of students, and have begun establishing fundraising opportunities for the school.
The founding committee comprises of:
President – Liz Bettink
Secretary – Paula Sharp
Vice Secretary – Lorna Arancibia
Treasurer – Leonie Woodworth
Vice Treasurer – Kristy Ogden
Remaining scheduled meetings for Term 3
Thursday Sept 13 at 9 am
For further information or to make suggestions, raise issues or place fundraising requests, please email the Association at cscpca@gmail.com