Year 12 Tertiary Course Selection Process Begins…
This term Year 12 students begin the important process of preparing their Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre (VTAC) selections for next year. An information session was held after school on Monday, 6th August. ALL Year 12 students are required to sign-up for a one-on-one appointment with Mrs Sharon Bourne to review their course selections over the next few weeks.
A community VTAC Parent Information Night will be held at Cranbourne East Secondary College on Tuesday 21 August, commencing at 6.30pm. This event will be of particular relevance to students currently completing VCE who are considering their post‐Year 12 study options and their parents, as well as anyone in the community considering further study as a mature age applicant. Students in Years 9‐11 and their parents may also find the session helpful when choosing subjects for VCE. It will be delivered by a representative from VTAC.
Application Dates for Victoria
Tertiary Admission Centre : VTAC
Website: www.vtac.edu.au
Application Opening: 6th August 2018
Application Closing (Timely): 27th September 2018
Year 10, 11 and 12 Course Selection for 2019
Course counselling for 2019 has now concluded. Thank you to all of our families who attended their course counselling appointment. It was great to work in partnership with so many parents at each event. Thanks must also be extended to all of the teachers involved in course counselling too. The conversations were rich and informed.
Year 10 Belong in Creative Marketing @ RMIT
A dedicated and talented group of Year 10 students recently attended a 3 day program at RMIT.
They participated in the I Belong in Creative Marketing workshop which focuses on creative thinking, and identifying the ways in which advertising and marketing influence different audiences. RMIT partnered with one of Melbourne’s biggest cultural icons to introduce our students to the exciting world of creative marketing. Students were called upon to fall down the rabbit hole into Wonderland, a world premiere exhibition at ACMI celebrating the timeless stories of Lewis Carroll and Alice’s adventures on screen. The Wonderland exhibition explores how filmmaking, special effects and technology have reimagined one of the world’s most beloved characters.
Students were introduced to the key principles of marketing, and discovered how the ACMI marketing team were promoting the Wonderland exhibition to different audiences. Guided by RMIT teaching staff,
our students explored how creative disciplines such as graphic design and media can be used to market products and exhibitions.
Our students worked in small groups to produce a product and creative concept to promote Wonderland. On the final day of the program, our students presented their respective pitches and work to their clients at ACMI. They received glowing feedback from ACMI and RMIT staff. Our students enthusiastically participated in every aspect of the program and demonstrated an amazing range of design skills and critical thinking skills.
The students need to be congratulated on their work and commitment to this program. The students who designed and presented a well-crafted and insightful pitch to the ACMI marketing executives were: Jackson Bishop, Emily Bridgeman, Aaliyah Carrel, Cristian Castillo, Ayden Dahmes, Meredith Leviston, Jarrod Newton, Kaitlyn Pellow, Bishop Pouao, Taylah Rasmussen, Ethan Rose, Athena Toeng, Damon Westin and Caitlin Zealley.
Our students at ACMI at Federation Square presenting their marketing concepts to ACMI and RMIT staff