Lower Primary Term One

What a very challenging start to the 2020 year it has been for the Australian community in general. However in the midst of all the turmoil there have been events to and lots of learning celebrate in Lower Primary.
Lower Primary would like to especially acknowledge our new little preps, Andreas, Elise, Haaroon, Levi, Nate, Nathaniel, Scarlett, Ezekiel, Jandavid, Kaleb, Piper, Shiv, Thianna and Hayat who have taken the first steps on their learning journey at Concord. Lower Primary staff have enjoyed getting to know these new little people, seeing their happy faces each day, and sharing in their excitement as they experience school life at Concord. We are confident that they will enjoy much success within their school program.
We also welcomed students who had moved to us from other schools. Welcome Dalia, Mohammed, Cristiano, Lucas, Alexander, Venil, Sienna, Cassie, Ethan, Leon, Isaac, Hussain and Emir-Ali. I am impressed with the way these new students have become familiar with their new school and we watch their confidence and self-assurance grow day by day.
The family BBQ was a great celebration. This was our first special event for the year and is a great way to start the year. The jumping castle along with the tattoos, hair spray and a variety of playground equipment kept the “little people” happily occupied and allowed parents and carers a little time to relax and enjoy the festivities. I had many parents come up to me to say how much they enjoyed the evening and appreciated the opportunity to meet other parents and staff in a social situation.. It was wonderful to see families getting to know each other and their children’s school friends. The Lower Primary staff, Kirrily (Acting Principal) and Colin (Assistant Principal) also thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you all a little better. This really is a great way to start the year and we thank all the families who were able to attend. Your children love to see you joining in and having fun alongside them at school.
The integrated unit for the first semester is Now and Then. This unit is designed to assist students to explore concepts of time, change and continuity through a study of changes in life style over time. Students compared the experiences and artefacts of our daily lives with that of our parents and grandparents and others in the community and reflected upon the similarities and differences in the way we live our lives. They identified influences on communication, technology and media and considered how childhood has changed since the time of our parents, grandparents and back in the ‘olden days’ before electricity and technology. There were investigations and class incursions and excursions to assist with students understanding of time and change.
Students will visit the Discovery Centre to explore and play games from different periods such as board games compared with modern gaming and ipads. They will also explore different technologies such as cameras, phones, cameras music and media devices and compare them in terms of old and new. Students may also have the opportunity to choose a recipe from one of the vintage cookbooks and have a go at baking Anzac biscuits or Lemonade scones.
To support this learning students took part in a “Toys” incursion. They discovered how toys have evolved over time by exploring their movements and the materials they were made from. Students’ imagination was engaged and their sharing skills encouraged as they played with examples of toys – old and new.
The common focus areas within this incursion were:
- History of toys
- Technology and changes
- Past, present and future
- Families
- Sharing
- How things work
Students examined different toys and compared and matched the old toys to new. Students were amazed to see the types of toys children played with in the past especially as there was no technology involved. The display created much interest and lots of conversation. It was interesting to watch individual students look and touch the items on display and to see them investigate how they worked. The hands on aspect of this incursion meant students could relate their learning to real life items.
As part of our Friday activities, PLA, PLB and PLC have a combined “Movie Making” group which we go to the Discovery Centre each Friday afternoon. This term, students made a movie about “Now and Then”. They used the green screen and dressed up in olden day costumes. Students explored and were filmed playing with old fashioned toys and games along with different forms of communication from the good old days. We then filmed students using modern day toys, games, communication devices and computers. Ashley from the Discovery Centre then edited the filming to make a DVD for each of us to take home. What fun students had learning about old times and modern times.
This term students from LPD, LPE and LPF spent two afternoons in the Discovery Centre engaged in science experiments with Sam. The first week we made an exploding ‘Witches Brew’. It combined baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, food dye and glitter. This was a favourite and the students faces lit up with delight. The second experiment was called ‘Dancing Rice’. We combined baking soda, vinegar, water and rice to make the rice dance in the liquid. After each of the sessions we were able to explore the displays in the Discovery Centre with many students fascinated with the old phones and toys.
The swimming program is progressing well. Our students thoroughly enjoy their swimming sessions and are becoming more confident with each session. They participate in a variety of fun activities that are designed to develop water confidence, safety and basic swimming skills. To date LPA and LPB have attended swimming and they have shown much progress over the 6 weeks. Students are developing skills on both their front and back using flotation supports, are practicing torpedos and retrieving objects from the bottom of the pool. They have been introduced to freestyle strokes and breathing techniques which have continued to improve over the weeks. LPB also practised survival skills these skills in deeper water included them using life jackets, learning survival jumps and how to get themselves back to the side of the pool
Our “Fruit program” continues and is very popular with our students. This school funded initiative enables us to purchase seasonal fruit and vegetables for our students each week from a local business. Students look forward to “fruit and vegetable“ day and are encouraged to try the variety of fruit and vegetables offered. Alongside this, the benefits of healthy habits such as drinking water, bringing nutritious lunches and engaging in physical activity are continually reinforced.
Lower Primary Staff would like to congratulate all our students on the great start they have made to the year. Each of them has worked hard, tried their best and enjoyed the range of activities that they have been involved in. Well done everyone. Keep up the good work!
As this term comes to an end. Please look after yourselves and each other and we will see you next term. Stay safe and Stop the Spread!
Kath Moore
Watsonia Campus Principal