Classroom Reports

Year 12


Welcome to Week 10 of Term 3. Our next newsletter article will be for the beginning of Term 4 and it’s almost hard to believe that the end of the academic year for our senior students is almost upon us.

This edition of the newsletter will focus on looking forward to the Term 3 School Holidays and beginning of Term 4. 



Teachers will be emailing students at the moment with advice and extra work.  Students are reminded to respond to teacher communication through email in a timely fashion. They are also reminded that if they know they are going to be away, they have to let their home room teacher and class teachers know.  It is up to the students to find out what work has been missed.


Year 12 ‘holiday classes’:

Classes during the Term 3 holidays have historically taken place at Wedderburn College for a number of years and support our students to be best prepared for their SWOTVAC (revision week) and end of semester examinations. The timetable has been out for a couple of weeks now, so students have no excuse for not knowing about the classes.  Please make sure you are punctual to each class.  Your teacher is giving up their free time to ensure you are as prepared as possible for your exams.

Please ensure to speak with you class teacher if you think you may not make it to their class.



The GAT was held on Wednesday 7th September.  All students worked well through the new format. Now is the time to remind you though, that it is school policy students cannot leave exams early.  Give yourself full opportunity to do the best that you can in your subjects. 


End of year VCAA Examinations:

The official VCAA Examination period will begin on Wednesday October 26 with the VCE English exam and conclude on Wednesday November 16 with the VCE VET Community Services exam. 


All students have been provided with a hard copy of the examination timetable. A digital version is available to view from:



Celebration Day:

Celebration Day, Year 12 VCE last official day of classes, will be on Friday 14th October.  A notice will be sent home early next term and the students will have a meeting with Mr Forrest and Mr Lockhart regarding expectations of the day.

Year 12 VCAL students will be participating in these celebrations, but are expected to be at school until Friday 28th October.



Mrs Woodman 

VCE Coordinator and Year 12 Homeroom Teacher



Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.